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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. I follow somone on instagram where they are breeding the african land snails to feed to there mbu puffer. I would imagine it would do a great deal on there chompers.
  2. Clown loaches grow lots in there first year but beyond that they are slow growers. If you were to get some baby clown loaches you could probably put some in a 80 gallon, all though you would have to look for someone to re-home them too when they get too big. Here is a care video Cory did on clown loaches:
  3. What are some "discoveries" that you made in your aquarium journey. Maybe they are stupid discovires that everyone else knew but you, or maybe it was a diy project. I will go first "I was today years old when I relized that it was pronoucned African cichlids, not African Chichlid Sicklets" This was when I was brand new to the hobby, I would see people mention cichlids, but i saw the spelling it was "cichlids". The letters got twisted in my head and it turned into "chichlids" and so I thought it was African Chichilid Sickelts.
  4. Corys dog, Sassy had a seizure. You guys can check the community tab for more info. https://www.youtube.com/c/Aquariumcoop/community
  5. The smart plug came in today, and I woke up to hugo making his first bubbles nest! Today I fed him Fluval Bug Bites for the first time, and he LOVES it! Usually he is to busy saying hi to me every morning to relize I just dropped food in, but today as soon as I dropped in the bug bites he went NUTS! Totally reccemoend for anyone wanting a once a week treat for your betta! Also the monte carlo is pearling for the first time too! You can see that Hugo is developing some finrot. I'm not surprised, most bettas I get from the petstore in those tiny cups develop some fin rot. Anyway its a very mild case so I will be moving him to a empty 10 gallon that I have soon. I haven't had very good luck with fin rot, so I hope I can cure this one.
  6. The Ninja Turtles!! -Mike -Leonardo -Rapheal - Donatello
  7. Just a question, How many sparkiling gouramis do you have in your 5 gallon, I am wondering because I have sometimes thought of getting a little 5 gallon for a sparkiling gourami.
  8. A big school of neon tetras or silvertip tetras look stunning in a planted tank! Here is a video of a STUNNNING video of neon tetras schooling
  9. I would do the heater and the sponge filter. The heater is the most important part as bettas have a labrynth organ meaning that they breathe from the surface of the water.
  10. It would be easier if you just moved the fish to the 2.5 gallon. They will do fine in a 2.5 gallon for a week or two. Just keep up on the waterchanges to make sure you amonia/ nitrites are down.
  11. Yes put him in a qt tank. That ratio of salt is not plant safe and probably not snail safe either. Looks like he could have a major case of fin rot too, maracyn may be a better way to go then salt. I would do maracyn and salt treatment.
  12. Its probably just a bacterial bloom, completly normal when setting up and cycling a new tank and is not harmful to fish whatsoever. It seems to me though that you didn't cycle your tank. It will usually take over a day to cycle a tank, did you test for nitrates, what did it read? During the nitrogen cycle the goal is to grow de-nirtifying bacteria that converts amonia to nitrites to nitates. Any ammount of nitrites and amonia is harmful to fish, where as nitrates can be up to 20ppm (thats the goal for me). Because it doesn't seem like you cycled your tank, feed lightly. Feed every other day in small amounts. Also do waterchanges on the days you dont feed to keep the amonia minimal. I would start using Fritz Zyme: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/fritz-zyme-7-live-bacteria-freshwater this will help speed up the nitrogen cycle. Here is a video that may help:
  13. I dont medicate when I quarintine. I just observe for 4-6 weeks and make sure they are looking and acting healthy before adding to the main display i find this is more accurate then the one - two week med trio. I honestly wouldn't medicate the fish you already have if there acting and looking fine, they probably are.
  14. I would suggest salt at this point. Salt works MIRACLES in my experiance, and I'm sure it can help yours. Not only will it reduce the stress but also help with any bacterial infections or parasites. Heres a link:https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/fritz-freshwater-salt-1lb?_pos=1&_sid=22dfe3afd&_ss=r If you scroll down it will tell you the ratio of salt, I would reccemoend to take all live plants out. Is there a way you could try uploading the photo again, some people on the forum upload them to google photos or dropbox and share a link that way, you could try that. You could also try copy and pasting the photo onto the message (thats what I do). To do this on google photos, simply upload the photo, click on the photo when in google photos, click share, click create link, click create link again, click copy. Now simply paste the link into the message Heres a video KG Tropicals did on betta ilnesses, perhaps it could help. Heres another video by KG Tropicals and how they rescued there betta, bubbles Also just a little FYI: Green water is not harmful to fish in anyway, its actually probably beneficial to the fish. Small little fry will use the green water as a food source. Green water is simply algae in the water.
  15. Aquarium Co-Op sells repashy soilent green: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/repashy-soilent-green Would suggest to get it from the co-op instead of amazon because if something happens to the package during tranit, aquarium co-op will look after it where as amazon not so much. I haven't fed repashy to guppies, but heres a video cory did on repashy: Repashy is good as it can be fed to fry (The powderd stuff not sure about the gel stuff, the powder is how you make the gell)
  16. there is a youtube video by tank tested on that tank. Its litterley so gourgoues! That ones really cool too, something I will HAVE TO do
  17. I am about to start up a "breeding for profit tank", I plan to breed some pygmy corydoras as well as platys in the tank. Eventually I would like to breed honey or sparkiling gourami in it. But I have also been wanting a puffer, so maybe I would do a group of pea puffers.
  18. I wouldn't do a tetra tank. I have had and have seen from others very negative things about there tanks. I had a 10 gallon that decided to one day burst, and my entrie bedroom floor was coverd in water. (thankfully I was home for lunch, and most of the fish survived). Here are some appropiate size tanks I suggest: 1) https://www.amazon.com/Hygger-Temperature-Display-Aquarium-Starter/dp/B07XR7CLXY/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=5+gallon+tank&qid=1612740497&sr=8-6 2) https://www.amazon.com/Aqueon-MiniBow-SmartClean-Technology-Gallon/dp/B08LKC4NLB/ref=sr_1_9?dchild=1&keywords=5+gallon+tank&qid=1612740497&sr=8-9 3) https://www.amazon.com/Marineland-ML90609-Portrait-Aquarium-5-Gallon/dp/B00O8SZTKQ/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=5+gallon+tank&qid=1612740497&sr=8-2 All of these tanks are under the $80 mark. I would suggest out of all these the first option. All though it is 4 gallons and not 5 gallons, its close enough. If your looking for a way to test the water in your tank I would suggest one of the two: 1) The cheaper route, the tetra easy test strips: https://www.amazon.com/Tetra-EasyStrips-Aquarium-Strips-100-Count/dp/B0053PQWEU/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=tetra+test+strips&qid=1612740712&sr=8-2 2) The more expensive but better testing kit: https://www.amazon.com/API-FRESHWATER-800-Test-Freshwater-Aquarium/dp/B000255NCI/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=api+master+test+kit&qid=1612740752&sr=8-1 You can find the first option at your local walmart. (Well at least where I live all the walmarts sell them) everything else seems fine. Keep in mind all of the tanks I suggested comes with a filter. The 3rd option may have to high of flow for your betta so you may wanna put a filter intake sponge for the outake. Yes the filter you have for your tap water is fine. Just make sure there isn't any amonia in the water by testing the tap water. If you want to do a fish in cycle, I would suggest fritz zyme, or firtz turbostart.
  19. All though this is a freshwater forum, I bet there are some brackish/ saltwater nerms on here. What kind of tanks do you keep?
  20. To be honest, I don't really care. But... If I had to choose a team it would be the team that tom brady isn't on. not a huge football guy.
  21. Okay I heres mine: 700-800 Gallon Custom Aquarium -180 Gallon Sump (so in total roughly 1000 gallons) -And I haven't exactly stocking would be.... Option 1 Amazonian Biotope -Altum Angels, Uaru, Discus, Sevrum, Rummynose, other amazoian fish -No plants the Uaru and sevrums will tear them apart Option 2 Schoaling Aquarium -100 Corydoras, -Clownloaches, -75-100 Rainbow Fish, Rummynose Tetra or Silvertip Tetra -Big center peice wood, not sure what plants Option 3 a Mbu Puffer -a Minni Murphy, Cardinal Tetras, Dwarf Gourami, etc. -Valisenaria, amazon swords, etc. Theres a chance I would do all three options over the course of several years. Kind of like Corys 800 gallon, he's always switiching it up.
  22. Wondering how do you spell "ick" / "ich" I know this doesn't matter as it is simmilar to toamto tomoto. But I was just wondering. I spell it like "ich"
  23. Every fish store needs this...
  24. I have a spare 10 gallon that I turn into a QT tank when needed. I simply just put a filter in one of my cycled tanks, and then pull the filter out and put it in the QT tank when I get new fish, this allows instant adding of fish. @H.K.Luterman has a great idea with a plastic tub. Here is a video Irene did on the same cheap and easy way for quarinting:
  25. I have never owned mystery snails in the past. Infact I have always tried to stay away from snails (except nirites) because of how often they breed. Well... I decided I would pick up 1 mystery snail from my lfs to help with the algae problem in my betta tank. All the mystery snail has done is be ANOYING. He decided to dig up my monte carlo, hasn't even ate a spec of algae. I'm thinking of moving him to community tank because the plants in there have bigger roots, so it would be harder to dig up. I was wondering what your thought of mystery snails are? I mean I find them cute, but just really annoying.
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