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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. I am sure it would be possible. Just like you can breed regular koi angelfish to red koi angelfish or a black ram to a black midnight ram. I doubt they would breed entriley black for a few more years. There is such thing as the black shrimp, would be cool to see what would happend. And if you do decide to get the blacks out of your blue dream shrimp I would encourage you to make a thread of the process, could be very helpful to other forum members.
  2. I cant answer if they are eel safe. But heres what I can say: -Ich X has a saltwater version: https://www.amazon.com/AQUARIUM-SOLUTIONS-ICH-X-FOR-SALTWATER/dp/B00BS94ZLC -Fritz Paraclense states that it can be used for both saltwater and freshwater tanks: And Maracyn has a slatwater version too: https://www.amazon.ca/Aquatics-Mardel-Maracyn-Treats-2-Pack/dp/B0112KG0Q4
  3. Agree with Colu. Defently do a waterchange to get rid of the amonia. The cloudy water is a part of the nitrogen cycle, its called a bacteria bloom and its not harmful to fish.
  4. You can just put a sponge filter in your 75gal and take it out and put in your QT tank to have it cycled. During the cycling process you are growing beneficial bacteria that converts amonia - nitrites - nitrates. The bacteria will mostly grow on your filter, therefore if you put a filter in a pre-established tank with a constant source of amonia (fish) you can keep that QT cycled with that filter.
  5. I do recemend QTing all fish. I have a setup a QT system but sometimes I won't QT (like this last time I got danios for my QT tank but I forgot that I put my QT Heater to use in my betta tank, so I decided to skip the QT processs for the danios) I wouldn't say its a 50/50 chance of a fish you brought home having a disease but much lower, especially if its coming from a reputable source (Like some LFS) I would say if you only have one fish tank and you rarely get new fish, I would say you could probably get away with it and not have any problems without QTing. With that being said in a perfect world we would all have a QT setup. So no its not a MUST. All though if you do plan on keeping fish long term you will defentley run into fish coming home with diseases. I once brought home a bristlenose pleco with ich and had to treat the whole tank, my german blue ram died because of it. I would say that if you ask any fish keeper that has kept fish for more then 5 years they have a simillar story. Here is a video Girl Talks Fish did on a cheap QT system, incase you decide to go with it
  6. I love the new layout, but... I was wondering if this was occuring with anyone else: There isn't a green number my notifaction bell anymore. So if someone quoted one of my posts I won't know that I got a new notifaction unless I clicked on the bell.
  7. @ADMWNDSR83two co-op packages is never a bad problem, lol. Thanks for sharing with us!
  8. @OceanTruthI am not sure what kind of mollys I want, all though I will defentley look inot sailfins. Thanks!
  9. Congrats to our round 2 winners! @CorydorasEthan @WhitecloudDynasty Finals!!! React with a heart for picture 1. Or react with a Laughing Emoji for picture 2 Picutre 1 Picture 2
  10. Hatchtefish in my experiance will only eat foods that are uptop. Most pencil fish too in my experiance. Guppies are cool and may work for you.
  11. Some really good beginner plants are: -Any floating plants -Java Fern -Anubius -Crypts -Valisenaria -Amazon Swords -You wont need root tabs for the anubius or java ferns, they are water colum feeders.
  12. @quirkylemon103 I have done simillar threads like this is the past, but never every day. I certainly think it would be fun 🙂
  13. Cory says he gets most of the co-ops fish from AquaHuna he also says to manage a lfs for a few years before owning one. https://aquahuna.com/ Here is a interview with the owner of aquahuna
  14. @H.K.LutermanThanks for the suggestion! The angle of the picture taken makes it look like the leaf is alot lower, but in reality the leaf is about an inch lower then the water surface. But perhaps I will make it higher. I also plan on feeding him right above it.
  15. My main priority is to breed the mollys. If I get baby shrimp, that would be cool. But its the mollys first. I guess I just want shrimp.
  16. Its just your food rotting. if there is no amonia or nitrites in the tank its fine. You may want to remove it before adding fish.
  17. All though they do like warmer waters, in my experiance they will do well in 72F. Neons more then cardinals
  18. Alright I have this empty 10 gallon. It was one of the starter kits that came with little led lights and a filter. I am planing on setting up a "breeding for profit tank" (i know there isn't much profit involved, so its more for fun). I plan on putting mollys and cherry shrimp. I would like to keep these lights that came with the tank even though I know not many plants will thrive under those conditions. Here are the plants I was thinking about -Hornwort -Cryptacorne Wendetii -Moss -Possibly Anubius What do you guys think? Are these plants require more light? Here is the starter kit: https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/tetra-complete-led-aquarium-kit-10-gallon/6000187104461?cmpid=sem_google_en_pla_none_6530281610_83783310932_None&gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=CjwKCAiAu8SABhAxEiwAsodSZOBmNBnUF7KgV2gLLbwHIGL_t1wG7xm8XnM_NDDjTl9bKSbn8v0-shoCQUIQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds The lights are just two small led lights.
  19. Discus like there water WARM. I would say get it to at least 85F. Any heater that can get that warm will do. Here are some threads that may help with discus: Here is a video of some good tips: This next one is a long one. But Joey Mullen is very experianced with discus and at one point of his hobby he only kept discus. He has bred TONS of discus too. I would totally reccemomend it a watch:
  20. Unfortantley amazon frogbit, red root root floates, and any plant that spreads like a weed is ilegal to sell. With that being said I am still on the never ending search for some. I have seen multiple tanks where I live with these plants and I just need to find out where everyone gets some. Are you asking if they come with a black background? they don't, all though it would look sweet with one. Where I live (manitoba, canada) they have made it so that only essentials are being sold due to the pandemic. So once restrictions liften I will be going to walmart to get a black background. Yes catapa leaves are on the list of things to get.
  21. I have named the new betta "Hugo" Everybody say "hey hugo!" I wish he would start using his hammoc but he hasn't so far. I plan on feeding him there to see if that will make him want to take a rest. Heres a pictue of him eating the hikari betta bio gold pellets:
  22. I wouldn't worry, this is normal when wood is first introduced into a tank. it should dissapear on its own and is not harmful to your fish, infact shrimp and other fish like to eat on it. Here is a youtube playlist that Girl Talks Fish did about cycling a tank with dr tim ammonia and other products, I would reccemoned a watch: I dont know if you mentioned this in your intial post, but make sure you have at least 10-20ppm of Nitrates. Also here is a thread on the forum fishlore explaining the white film on your drift wood https://www.fishlore.com/aquariumfishforum/threads/white-film-on-driftwood.195958/#:~:text=The fuzz growing on the,piece of new%2Fold driftwood.&text=The fish tank and water,all sorts of beneficial bacteria.
  23. The best way to get rid of any diseases is to drain the tank completley and let everything dry off. In these conditions aquatic parasites will die off. I would let the tank dry out for a few days. the 200 neons in a 75 seem stuning, good luck! This is what I did when I had ich in a tank. You could also get bleach and do a bleach dip on everything.
  24. FrozenFins


    a 55 seems to small for peacocks. I would say to stick with other Mbuna African Cichlids. You may also get away with a bristlenose catfish in there. I would tell you to wait a week after adding one batch of fish before adding another. You could probably get 6 more Mbuna African Cichlids, then wait a week and add more. But it really depends on the size your buying them at, at the smallest you can get you could probably go with 10 all at once.
  25. It looks to be what Janelle said, a sponge filter. They are super cheap and affordable especially if you already have a air pump. All you need is air stone, airpump, airline hosing and the filter. If you get them all from aquariumcoop.com it will cost you $23.26
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