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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. I think whats best about a phone is that because its always on you (or close to you) you can catch a fish in the act. Like for example yesterday I found my bristlenose pleco in my spongefilters tube. I thought it was so cute, and was able to take a pic. But if I went to go find my actual camera I would have missed it.
  2. I would say that the lfs would be the best option. You don't need to worry about shipping and your supporting a small buisness (well, assuming your lfs isn't some big franchise)
  3. That last picture though! I have two upside down catfish that are like that🤣
  4. I upgraded a 10 gallon to a 20 gallon a while back. Because the 20 gallon was going to a different spot in the house I could setup the 20 gallon. I then let it cycle then I went to the lfs get fish, after getting the fish from the store I put them in the 20 and waited 4 weeks making sure they were desease free before I added the fish from the 10 gallon. I would suggest to do a simillar method if the 29 is going in a different space in the house. If you plan on setting up the 29gallon in the same place as the current 20 gallon, heres a thread that will help with that:
  5. We may tell our fish "I don't have favorites, I love you all the same" But lets be honest, you have a favorite. Lets see the favorit fish that you own. Mine is my koi angelfish. He was actually sold to me as a panda angel, but then later found out he was a koi angel. He was one of the first fish I got, and he quickly became my favorite. He's the one that got me LOVING angelfish.
  6. bristlenose pleco has rejected every single kind of alage wafer I have tried to give him. But I feed him cucumber and other veggies a few times a week. A good tip when feeding fish veggie is to boil them. When you boil them they will sink. This way you dont have to stick a fork into them to make them sink. I am also looking into getting repahy for him too.
  7. that looks really good. Once the monte carlo and the dwarf chain sword carpet on the black substrate its going to look AWESOME! I have to agree with @Streetwise on the placement of the filters, looks great. I think Mollys would look great in that tank along with a apistogramma cacatuoides double red.
  8. The corydoras will defentley eat the cherry shrimp and the honey gourami may eat one or two cherrys as well. Other then that yes that seems doable.
  9. not sure. Sparkiling gouramis in my opinion are the most peacful gouarmi. They aren't fin nippers. If I were to do it I would aclimate the sparkiling gourami in a breeder box/ net for a day so that the betta can get used to him. You can also observe what the betta is doing. I may proceed with caution. A bigger tank would help.
  10. FrozenFins


    @Melissa Ann it depends how much salt. The amount of salt you would need to kill the ich will kill the plants. The heat will also help with ich. But keep in mind the warmer the water the less oxygen. I would suggest to put in a airstone.
  11. FrozenFins


    Anything that treats for parastic infections, API General Cure would work too.
  12. I'm am asumming you all (well most of you) are using a macro lens, wondering what ones you reccemoned.
  13. FrozenFins


    if you can get ich x then forget about paraclense. Do paraclense if you cant get ich x.
  14. FrozenFins


    Also when I treated for ich, I treated every day even though the package told me not to. I would suggest to do that. I did: 1st and 2nd day treatment 3rd day waterchange and treatment 4th day treatment 5th day waterchange and treament 6th day treatment 7th day complete 🙂
  15. FrozenFins


    If you dont have ich x on hand paraclense may work too. Paraclense is a medicine for all parasitic ilnesses. All though ich x would work better, so I would suggest if you can go out and get the ichx. But if you can't because you have the med trio on hand do paraclense. If you have a QT Tank you can move the infected fish into the QT Tank.
  16. I have a bag of filter media in a pre cycled tank, that way there is beneficial bacteria on it and then I add the filter media to the QT tanks filter. Other people will just put the hole filter in one of their pre-cycled tank.
  17. he should be fine till tomorow, you caught it pretty early on
  18. API General Cure is for parasitic infections, this looks to be a bacterial infection. Maracyn should work for this along with salt and 2tsp a gallon. I would start with the maracyn treatment first this because there is some talk for corydoras being sensitive to salt, I've never had experiance with salt and corydoras. Maracyn is also plant safe but salt at the 2tsp a gallon will indeed kill any live plants.
  19. This if from @Tazawa Tanks youtube page. Thought it was funny so I decided to show the nerm community
  20. Do a waterchange and floating plants will help too.
  21. I would love to own these guys as a out door tubbing project. Where did you get them? I can't find them anywhere!
  22. Post it on youtube copy and paste the link in the message. It doesn't have to be youtube it really just has to be that has a link to it. Some people use google photos or google drive to show us their photos by using the link.
  23. Cory suggests paraclense for everyone. If you have had issues it could be that you didn't cycle it properly My angelfish has a poop like that for YEARS. I feel like it as it may be a sign of parasites its one of those thing where it could back up another symptom (ex. if I have a sore throat chances are it isn't anything serious, but If I have a sore throat AND a cough it could be a sign of covid) If the paraclense didn't do anything and the fish seems healthy and is eating, its probably fine and I would stop treatment.
  24. the sponge filter and the hob will do fine, it doesn't matter. I like the seachem prime as a water conditioner and as for the heaters, fluval makes some nice ones.
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