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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. As much as many people not agree with me on this, I like the tetra preset heaters. I haven't had a problem with them, their cheap, only problem is it will only heat it to 76 degrees. So its good for the mid tempeture fish but for the fish that like warmer water its not so good. I have had two for several years and no problems.
  2. Is this something that has just popped up now or is it something that has been their since you got it. if its been there since you got him, The spot looks yellow to me so I'm thinking it could just be that one fishes genes.
  3. Amano Shrimp will help with that and also if you try and siphon some of the algae out it may help. As far as what type of algae, I'm not very good with identfying different algaes but it kinda looks like bba.
  4. Betta fish in my opinion are the best beginner fish. They can withstand anything.
  5. Shrimp King has some good foods and Bactor AE is really good too
  6. Sounds like a plant that is dying back. Plants die back often when bought from a farm. Most plants are at farms before your fish store/ pet store. At these farms the plants are grown emerged. The roots are in water and the leaves are not. So when you intorduce them into your aquarium they are getting adjusted to life out of water. Yes they will revive, all though many like to cut the leaves that are dying back.
  7. If its fuzzy its probably just a bacterial infection and it seems your going down the right path
  8. It doesn't sound like anything to worry about. Just watch him and make sure he isn't displaying any other symptoms and you should be fine.
  9. To be safe I would buy a cheap water conditioner. I have never tried the two together but it sounds like @Colu has had sucess with it.
  10. Be patient. One treatment of salt won't fix their torn fins and neither will erythromycin. Give it a weeks salt treatment at 2 tsp a gallon and it should fix it just fine.
  11. I dont like the rule "one inch of fish per gallon rule" because every tank is differnet. This goes with your tank too. In my opinion it is very hard to overstock a tank. Sure sometimes you will have so much fish in their were you'll really have to keep up with waterchanges and theres others where you can go a month without a waterchange or YEARS without a waterchange. It really depends on your plant growth, at which you have a lot of. Plants will consume the nitrates and phostphates, water colum plants are especially good at this. I would say start testing your water, does nitries or amonia show up in your tank in a few days or a few weeks? or only one week? if its anywhere under one week I would say to stop adding fish. But if its a week or more I would say add more! A "feature" fish would look really good in this tank my suggestions are, -Apistogramma (1) -Angel Fish (3) -Betta (1) -German Blue Rams (3) -Gourami (3, one male for every two female ratio. Or just one gourami) -Red Tail Shark (1) -Peacock Gudgeons (3) You could probably get away with another school of fish, suggestions are... (7 in a group) -Corydoras (5 in a group) -Ember Tetras -Rummynose Tetra and then the "feature fish" as well
  12. Is it fuzzy or more "solid". If its not fuzzy (which the picture looks like it isn't) It wouldn't be a bacterial infection but it Looks like hole in the head and the bottom picture possible resembles ich (not sure though its a weird looking ich). Hole in the head is often caused by hexamita and can be treated with Paraclense. I would suggest to start off with the paraclense as if it is ich paraclense should take care of that too. A Salt Treatment won't hurt and neither would the med trio.
  13. -Threadfin Rainbows -Forktail Rainbows Its more important to keep your ph stable then to keep on chasing it
  14. The puffer looks skinny. Its probably internal parasites. Treat with API General Cure (at which your already doing) and if that doesn't work try paraclense Cory recomends to deworm/ treat for internal parasites with all wild caught fish (at which 99% of puffers are)
  15. Do you have a video? Does it do it when it sees you, some fish do that when they know there getting food. My angels do this all the time and my other fish will do it sometimes.
  16. Cat: "to catch the fish, I must be the fish"
  17. I really love working with Dragon Stone. I like the way it looks and the holes that you can glue anubius nana petitte (my favorite plants, at least one of them). I think their perfect for a "montain" scape. There isn't much that I don't like about it.
  18. Your nitrates are a tiny bit high but it should be fine. I like mine at 10-20ppm. I'm sorry about your betta I hope she recovers. Just keep a close eye on here making sure she is not displaying any unusual symptoms. The fin rot meds will help with any bacetrial infections she may be getting after this inccident.
  19. probably not a amonia burn then. Your otto is will be fine
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