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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. It really depends what your dad wants to do with it. Does he want to do live plants? or fake plants? etc. For Live Plants I would do stuff like Easy Green, Root Tabs, Water Conditioner, Heater, Filter, Planted Tank Substrate, API Master Test Kit For fake plants I would do do everything above that is bolded
  2. I wonder if the portals in all our tanks are all going to the same place. A place where fish complain about how their human missed a feeding, or how their waterchanges weren't exactly a week apart.
  3. Winners make sure you send us a picture/ video of the care package, always fun seeing whats inside
  4. Water Lettuce and Hornwort have done well for me where it has gotten much colder!
  5. also clean out the filter in the dirty tank water your taking out.
  6. Cardinal Tetras are bigger and so they can go in with your smaller south american cichlids like angelfish without the worry of them being eaen. Neon Tetras are smaller and do well in smaller tanks. I have 5 in with a betta in a 5 gallon and all seems well. I don't see many people saying that they like neons better then cardinals. But I like neons better, their half red stripe and full blue stripe looks cool in a school from farther away.
  7. imagine going into battle knowing nothing is going to hurt.
  8. no don't do daily water changes AND a paraclense treatment. Go do a 50% waterchange and add seachem prime which will detoxify some of the amonia. This should really help then start off with the paraclense treatment.
  9. I have a feeling the Aquarium Solutions water conditioner is saying that to make money. They want you to buy pemanganate. I would just treat with aquarium solutions, if you have any tetra test strips you can test for chlorine in the water that you treat.
  10. Yes the salt treatment will kill the plants 😞. So I would start off with paraclense, paraclense is plant safe. If that doesn't work give us an update and let us know, we will help you. As of right now, no salt treatment only paraclense.
  11. Your molly that is sunken in might have parasites, treat with paraclense. Yes do a waterchange. I cant see the nitrate numbers in the first picture but if its 10-20ppm its okay. Plants will help with your water parameters, especially floating plants.
  12. I just dont do the med trio, I live in Canada so I dont have access to any of those three meds (ich x saltwater is on amazon.ca, but I dont do saltwater)I just quarintine for 4-6 weeks and if they seem and act healthy with no symtpoms I will add them to the display. So for that I cant answer, but If it would me I would feed them for the first one maybe two days before I start th treatment. I have some filter media in one of my established tank that I use for my QT tank. This will help so that there is the benefial bacteria in the tank. I bleach the filter media after each quarintine with a ilness and move it to the pre-established aquarium. Hope this helps!
  13. Imagine what the hobby was like before coivd, fish clubs were open, lots more fish in stock, lfs were open to the public, etc. Lots have changed in this hobby to accomadate the pandemic. My question what do you miss most from the "old normal". I miss the fish clubs and the feeling that I wasn't rushed when in a fish store or having to wait in -30C (-22 Farenheit) in a line just to get more fish food. What do you miss most?
  14. I have a fish club near me. Not a member but I was about to become one and then covid came. Mine is still closed and based on the restrictions we have in our area it probably wont be open till like August.
  15. I wouldn't do this with a runner, but you may be able to do it with another leaf, I am not sure as I dont have experiance with valisneria.
  16. Hope the live plants work out for you!
  17. No I wouldn't do that. But technically aquariums dont need filters if they have enough plants. I don't know what your thinking of in terms of plants but if you decide to do a heavily planted tank you wont need one.
  18. Anything above 0 is harmful to fish, regardless of what the package says. It seems that its at 0 based on what you explained. I'm also wondering if its a parasite. Heres what I do: -Do the salt treatmetn suggested above -Treat with paraclense at the same time as the salt
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