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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. I'm not sure if its fin rot. Did you say the molly were chasing her? It looks like she is a crown tail, there doesn't seem to be any discoloration near the tip of the fins. salt won't hurt. If you have a rubbermaid or like a food container you can float the container in the aquarium with water in it along with the betta in it. This way you will only have to treat within the container and you dont have to dig up your plants. By floating it in the aquarium it is making the tempeture the same temp as your aquarium. This is not a ideal forever setup but it will be fine for a few days or a week at most.
  2. I dont have experiance with theese. But a water conditioner is cheaper, and probably more effective because it doesn't just dechlorinate the water but also the metals and chlormine in the water.
  3. amonia and nitrite are too high. They need to be at 0, do a waterchange. Nitrate is a bit low too. If you have tried maracyn and that didn't work try salt at 3tsp a gallon.
  4. Seems fine to me. If the guppies and platys get to be too much you can always give them away.
  5. I am a huge fan of -The New Life Spectrum Pellets -Hikari Foods -Xtreme Flakes -Fluval Bug Bites You can find the hikari, xtreme, fluval bug bites on the aquarium coop website (hk luterman has sent you a link to that). They dont sell new life spectrum pellets but amazon does carry them.
  6. the tetra test strips work really well. They take about a minute to get your results.
  7. I would suggest to use Fritz Zyme, this will help speed up the cycle. No you dont need to remove the particles they will find there way back to the filter or substrate. I had that same problem with the particles after a waterchange in my first aquarium. Give it an hour or so and you wont see them in the water.
  8. just gravel vac around your decor.
  9. I like a bit of a brownish algae on wood and rocks but not a lot because too much makes your tank look dirty. I will leave the algae for a little while on the back and side pannels for my pleco, but soon after a week or so I remove it.
  10. I mean to put the reccemonded medicine in the tank ONCE, and then gravel vac.
  11. because your not fighting a disease, don't do a full treatment. All you need is to have it help with the healing of your fish. Read the back label of your salt package and see what they recceomend for healing wounds.
  12. I would treat with paraclense. To get rid of this disease treating is the best option. Just because it uncycled it once doesn't mean it will do it again. I would do one dose of paraclense in the main tank (just to make sure its gone) and then do a full treatment in the container.
  13. Its just algae, nothing to worry about. Its completeley normal. And does not harm the fish. Exessives amounts of algae may hurt your plants because they are consuming the nutrients the plants need. I wouldn't start worrying about it, it probably wont become of anything BIG. So you can deal with it if you want, but I wouldn't bother.
  14. Lucky bamboo is often sold as a aquatic plant but its not. Which is probably why it is dying. It does best in the aquarium when only the bottom part is submerged.
  15. I haven't had any problems with paint and a fish tank. If your worried about the paint dripping from the ceiling into the fish tank cover it up with a towel or tarp.
  16. Hey, welcome to the forum! Hope your doing well also!
  17. I had a pleco mysteriously dissapear. I checked everywhere for him. Woke up the next day to him stuck on the glass.
  18. Defentley another uspide down catfish to make it a trio.
  19. Its going to look awesome! I think anubius nana pettite will look awesome on the rocks and wood.
  20. I have dragon stone in a five gallon that is awaiting a betta. I call it a "mountain scape" its firmly in the substrate so that it wont fall and the one in the behind is leaned against the glass firmly.
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