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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. If I dont feel lazy I will cut the tetra test strips in half also. Also if i'm only testing for a certain element (nitrites, ph, nitrates). I will only dip that certain square in the tank.
  2. if they are no fish in it you dont need to do waterchanges. You will need to add a source of amonia to keep the benficial bacteria alive so that its cycled when you want new fish. Snails will do this for you or just putting in fish food every few days. If you decide on the snails then yes waterchanges should be done. I have my QT tank drained the entrie time and then when its timer for another fish I put in a bag of pre-cycled filter media from one of my established tanks.
  3. All of these platys are so beautiful. I had never really cared for platys until I saw this thread. I have a empty 10 gallon that I was planning on breeding guppies in but now platys may be the way to go.
  4. The corydoras, the kribensis or the apisto will eat the shrimp. You could do amano shrimp because they are bigger. Corydoras would look great too.
  5. Welcome to the forum! If you send us pictures of your tank we can pick out plants that may do well/ look good in your setting.
  6. nope you could do 9 glofish and a clean up crew. Coyrdoras will do well, they won't help with the algae control Ottocinclous, great alage eater Snails, they will breed and make baby snails unless you get nirite snails. Nirites only breed in brackish water (half freshwater half saltwater) all though they may still lay the eggs, the eggs just won't hatch. Snails will never stop working Amano Shrimp/ Bamboo Shrimp, both will do fine. Stay away from the smaller shrimp species as they will get eaten. Keep in mind all of the fish in this list you still need to feed. The corydoras will feed on catfish pellets and the others will feed on algae wafers and other veggies.
  7. Best Thing you can do is to keep the tank clean. I don't know how crayfish will react to salt, but salt might also help. Not a lot though the salt is just to keep the wound clean and to prevent any infections from happening. The wound will heal on its own.
  8. I really like the Nicrew brand of lights. They are budget friendly, and grow plants. That or the finnex stingray, Both are great lights.
  9. I have been wanting a tank like this not because its less matnience. But because in the fish wild habitats there are no filters providing oxygen or humans coming in with their gravel vacs doing waterchanges but instead there is plants removing nitrates, and providng oxygen and so much more. And then there is the sun providing evaporation, and then rain to top off the river. My low-tech - low matnience tank would consist of... 55 Gallon Plants: Big lush Jungle of Valsinaria, Amazon Frogbit, Cryp wendetii, dwarf sagiteria Fish: Angelfish, Corydoras, Kuhli Loaches, Cardinal Tetras, Smaller sized pleco it either that or... 10 Gallon Plants: Moss, Amazon Frogbit, Dwarf Sagiteria, Hornwort Fish: Breeding Colony of guppies or platys, and cherry shrimp. Can't decide which one. Probably both.
  10. Its for algae control. It will end up benefiting your plants because the algae wont be consuming the nutrients that your plants are. There was a video that Cory was in he talked about this product. He said that his friend name garry lange works with a chemical in that product. This chcemical when working working with it you have to put on like haz-mat suits just to hold it. It will damage your skin very badly. This product has that chemcial in it as one of the top ingreidents. Yes the chemical is not as strong, but I would not recemond. Perhaps Easy Carbon from aquarium co-op is better. It still won't replace the use of co2. All though co2 is not mandatory.
  11. Angelfish are pigs and do love their food. I haven't really known them to be herbivores. I have had many angels and I think I have only had one that would eat the veggied/ algae wafers I dropped in for my bristlenose pleco. I guess you could try feeding them more, but angels in my experiance will never say no to a meal.
  12. Those are two great options. Heres what I'm thinking -The Livebearer tank is a great idea. The mollies, swordtails, add guppies, tetras, danios, and clown loaches (it is a 150 gal so you could put like maybe 17 clown loaches for a few years. And then you will have to upgrade them or give them away because they will get too big. But they can be super active.) This tank would have lots of action and it would look great.
  13. Many people use this as a diy aquarium lid. There are tones of videos on it on youtube. Its worked well for me.
  14. I just drain the tank and let it dry out completley. This willl get rid of any aquatic parasites.
  15. If its because of iron I would try easy iron not easy green
  16. Looks like your plants are just dying back. This is fine and its normal. and with pateince they will be green again. They die back because in the plant farms they are grown emerged, so the plant right now is just getting used to life under the water.
  17. Yes. I have done this before and it worked fine! I sterilized my nets and gravel vac with boiling water by pooring it all over the objects and then dipping them in a bowl of hot water and then letting them dry for 24 hours.
  18. I have never had problems with angelfish and plants and neither have I had heard of any till now. I would suggest to try other plants. What plants is it eating?
  19. Looks really good, welcome to the forum!.
  20. The linear piston air pump will do multiple tanks. Could be overkill though depending on how much tanks you have. Heres a link: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/linear-piston-air-pump?_pos=2&_sid=3789cdc56&_ss=r Its a bit pricey but it can power several tanks.
  21. Shrimps like to feed off sponge filters. The floating plants and moss is great idea! The tank looks really good! The internal filter on the filter spec v might be too strong for the shrimp and may suck them in. Not sure if your using it though it looks like you have something setup in the right hand side. Overall I think any shrimp would be a lucky shrimp if they got to live in that tank.
  22. Can you do a close up shot or is he to fast? Salt will fix most external issues.
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