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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. I meant that they WILL consume nitrates, phostphates and iron
  2. Thanks daniel for all of this and for always going above and beyond!
  3. thanks daniel, I didn't know that the thread exsited.
  4. Hey all, After all the recent posts from other forum member that I have read today about summer tubing, it got me intersted in it. I was wondering what tub you all use for it and what fish you like doing for these projects?
  5. I would gravel but only because I think it looks better. I love lilys for all outdoor ponds and other floating plants. It seems like a nice setup to me best of luck!
  6. A quick google search says they become mature and active (if you know what I mean) at 3 weeks sometimes.
  7. One question before I answer your question. -What kind of swordtail is that? I have been looking for a female friend for one of my females that looks to be the same kind as that one. -As far as treatment, I think I would leave it for now. It could be a tumor developing meaning that the only thing you can do is to do surgery. Salt will help if its a cyst or a bacterial infection.
  8. You can add plants right away if you have a fertilizer. No Plants will feed on NitrAtes, phostphates and iron. I suggest Aquarium Co-op Easy Green. And your looking for Nitates not nitrites. Heres an example: amonia ➡️Nitrites ➡️Nitrates Once there is nitrates in the tank you can add fish.
  9. Agree with @Colu salt willl work miracles and it will help to heal the wound.
  10. Heres what I did when medicating for ich: -I removed the cartridge and put in a bucket of dirty tank water. I put food in it every day or so to keep the beneficial bacteria alive. -I didn't feed till the third or fourth day to keep that amonia down -I dosed the reccomended dose EVERY DAY. -I did a waterchange on the 3rd and 5th and 6th day It is important to note that I kept my filter on to have a source of oxygen. Many dont do that but I did.
  11. There is no set time at which the nitrogen cycle will be complete. It depends on your tank and what your doing with the nitrogen cycle. If you are leaving you tank alone completely, then 4-6 weeks on average could be more though. If you are creating a source of amonia (which I saw your other post where you said you were by using fish food) it depends how much. For example if your only putting one pellet in each day, its going to take a lot longer then if you got a small sprinkle. I sprinkled food into my aquarium during the cycling stage at which it took one week. Each tank is different though.
  12. Looks really good. And yes, there looks to be enough space for your corys.
  13. What do you mean by "flashing". Are they swimming up and down the decor and the glass? The best way to know is if you send us a video. To do this you will have to post it youtube (or another social media) and then send us the link
  14. Guppies, Mollies, Platys, and other livebearers These are all great community fish that will breed like crazy, and I'm sure you'll have a ton of fun doing it. Some cherry shrimp will also make a great addition with snails too. Have fun!
  15. A few things: -Don't chase your water parameters, Just make sure they are stable -I see your using the API Test strips. In mine and many others experiance they are not as accurate. I would suggest either the tetra test strips or the API Master Test Kit. -When I was cycling one of my tanks I threw in food every day and it took about a week to cycle. I usaully like to get 20ppm of nitrates before adding fish. Keep in mind I did this method in a 40 gallon. I dont know how big your tank is but it could take longer unless you decide to add more fish food.
  16. That looks really nice, I love the scape. Welcome to the forum, glad you could join us!
  17. Colvis I would replace one thing at a time. So one week you change out the sponge, I would replace it for a course sponge and then a few weeks later change out the floss.
  18. Hope that the betta will calm down and I'm sure it will. It was a good move putting her in the breeder box.
  19. Welcome to the forum! That tank is looking AWESOME!!
  20. wow those cherrys are red🔴 what brand of food are you feeding the shrimp? I really like the shrimp king foods. And @Irenehas had some really good things to say about Bacotor AE. I dont know lots about shrimp but I'm wondering if they need more protein in their diet.
  21. I would feed first then start the trio.
  22. Connect the airline hosing to the airstone and put in your aquarium. As Daniel mentioned before, putting the airstone near your heater is a gret place to put it. But in the end it doens't really matter. Cut a small pecie off the air line hosing, and attach the small cut hosing to the air pump. Now attatch the check valve to the air pump. You can now attatch the big air line hosing that is attatched to the airstone to the check valve.
  23. Nice setup! I was thinking of buying that tank for a shrimp tank until I relized it came with a internal filter (aka not shrimp safe)
  24. Yes you can put the filter media in with the fish.
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