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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. FishFolk has some good points. Because your Nitrates are so high you are lacking some kind of nutrient in the water. I would suggest watching these videos, they may tell you what your missing in your water and how you can help it:
  2. The problem with a uv sterilizer with green water is that the green water will come back if you don't adress the issue. Ask yourself why do I have green water? Is it because of too much light? or too much nutrients because your overfeeding? etc. If its too much nutrients I would add more plants to asborb the nutrients that the algae is consuming. If its too much light, block out all light out for a week and then decrease your lighting schedule. If you still wish to get a UV Sterilizer you have some good suggestions above Here are some video that I found helpful when I dealed with green water:
  3. I went to the fish store but forgot an intake sponge to put on the outake of my fluval . And I'm too lazy to go back. So I got some panty hose cut into a small peice and ziptied it to the outake:
  4. I love me some south american cihlids! Fish like Angelfish, Apistogramma, etc. Would make GREAT fry eaters. The angelfish also have AWESOME Personalities. Angelfish have eatin all my cardinal tetras, so I think guppy fry will be no problem for them. All of these fish suggested will make great center peice fish. I would make sure that the South American Cichlids can do well at 76-78F (which is why I didn't suggest rams) Here are some care guides: Angelfish Care: Apistogramma Care:
  5. I dont medicate when quarinting, I just wait 4-6 weeks and make sure the fish are healthy and then add them to the display tank. Salt will work too and no it won't effect the med trio. I would do the med trio for one week, wait a week follow and then follow up on a another paraclense treatment. You could do the levamisole when doing the paraclense treatment. This would take 3 weeks maybe 4 weeks, so persnaolly I just wouldn't medicate them.
  6. I wouldn't do this as a staple food. Repashy is something that I feed once a week. Something like pellets or flakes will do much better and MUCH cheaper.
  7. I have optimized the outake by wrapping some panty hose and zip tying it to the outake to lower the flow.
  8. I got the betta today! I don't have a name for him, so if you have a good one in mind, let me know! The Monte Carlo as really grown well, and hasn't melted back yet. Heres a whole tank shot
  9. I beleive the fluval flex comes with a light. Unless your only buying the aquarium and not the kit. You can always turn down the lighting on the fluval 3.0. Heres a thread of peoples programing for both the fluval 3.0 and the nano: I beleive the 15 kit actually comes with a fluval 3.0, so a 3.0 would be fine.
  10. The Co-OP has got some fast shipping! Alesha thanks for sharing your co-op goodness.
  11. seems like a solid plan to me
  12. The main thing you want is for the lights to be on for at least 8 hours a day, ideally 10 hours. I have my light on full spectrum for about 4-6 hours and the rest is sunset and sunrise (I really wish I could change this, but its a nicrew light so I can't) Here is a thread that people discuss about how they program there lights. They specifically talk about the fluval 3.0 planted light, but you can still get some information there regarding a ligth scehdule:
  13. It really depends where your selling. For example, a neon tetra may cost $2.50 where I live but may cost the people in florida $1.25. I would say, try to find out how much a endler and blue neocaridena shrimp are being sold at and subtract at least 50% from it. For example: If they sold the endler for $4.00 I would try to charge them $1-2. My LFS has a online shop so I can see what they would normally sell each fish for. If your fish store doens't have that, then try to find a fair price and offer it to them. Worst case scenario they counter your offer. Heres a playlist cory has on breed fish for profit. He talks about selling fish at stores too. Heres the exact video he talks about selling fish
  14. Heres a few videos of the King of DIY (aka Joey Mullen) builiding a diy co2 system: They have worked for me.
  15. Cory recommend one pea puffer in a 5gallon and one more pea puffer for every additional 3 gallons, meaning that you can do 6ish pea puffers in a 20high. I have a spongefilter in a 40 breeder with no issues, so one in a 20 shouldn't be a problem. But I guess it depends of the size of the spongefilter. Heres a thread for pea puffer tank mates: and here are some videos for pea puffer tank mates: But to be honest, best tank mate for them is no tank mate.
  16. I am a huge fan of the new life spectrum tropical fish pellets My fish go CRAZY for them. I did a thread where I compared the Xtreme Red Krill Flakes and the new lif spectrum tropical fish pellets: I have never tried new life spectrum with mollies but I would imagine that they would enjoy the pellets. The pellets are fairly small. My fish treat the pellets like they have never had food before. I used to feed the tetra flakes, but the newlife spectrum pellets had more protein, and they enjoyed them more. But there are some advanatges with flakes, like in my opinion its just easier to feed. Heres a link to the newlife spectrum pellets: https://www.amazon.com/New-Life-Spectrum-Regular-Naturox/dp/B077MMF7Q1/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1O3H2EKXUKCTV&dchild=1&keywords=new+life+spectrum+tropical+fish+diet&qid=1611604373&sprefix=new+life+specturm+tropic%2Caps%2C317&sr=8-1 Here are some videos of people reviewing the newlife spectrum pellets: In the video they dont use the exact same pellet I use, but they are all very simmillar.
  17. Love your podcasts, and listen to a new episode every day to work John or Lisa from Kg Tropicals on breeding african cichlids and bettas, and also about their former fish store. There isn't much info about their fish store online, I know they made a video with Cory on it once. Also a part 2 to the @Daniel interview. I think in the first part you guys only got to the 1970s, or maybe it was the 80s. But It was fun to see what the hobby was like way back then.
  18. Does he free roam the house? Is he "potty" trained? Just wondering, have thought about getting one but didn't know about where they go to the bathroom
  19. You may be able to get away with a 10gallon sump I beleive the dimension are 20x10x12 (LxWxH). you could fit the tank in their because the width is only 10 inches. John from KG Tropicals made a similla mistake with his sump and also had to downsize the orginal planning of the sump. Heres the video of him making the sump, incase you wanted to see:
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