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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. they won't be as aggressive as your males. All though the males will be aggressive if you put other females in the tank with them. So all females should work fine. But as @Levi_Aquatics mentioned there is still a chance of fry if you decide to go with all females.
  2. Heres my latest dilemma: -I saw some orange lazer corydoras at my lfs when I went to get the crypts. I haven't been able to get out of my mind how sweet some corycats would look in this tank. Only problem is I feel like I couldn't have the upside down catfish, the corycats and the pleco all in one tank. If I thought the corycats would be the last fish to go in the tank, I would go for it. But... I want more cardinal tetras and danios. -So here are my options... -Get rid of the two upside down catfish and get 4-6 corycats -Don't add anymore fish , and have the corycats be the last fish put in the tank -Keep the upside down catfish and forget about the corycats -I would like to hear any options or ideas you may have too Here is a picture of them: I can never get the two catfish in the same shot, but I can assure that there is two. They tend to hide a lot and they like to barry them seleves underneath the spongefilter. I rarely see them not hiding, all though sometimes they will come out to scavange for food. They are super cute in my opinion. If I do decide to give them back, I am defentley getting them again! Perhaps in the future when I have a bigger tank. I thought I would also mention that they have history of digging up plants. I dont think on purpose, but because the plant is where they want to "perch".
  3. 1) because you have co2 I would consider you having a low-tech tank 2) It sounds like it may be excess nutrients in the tank. Doing a big waterchange can really help with this. To fix this long term you will wan to test your water and decrease the amount of times you dose your fertilizer, or the amount per dosing. I have this same problem with my betta tank, I have stopped dosing all together and I am doing waterchanges regularly. Here is a video i found SUPER helpful made by Cory and Joel:
  4. Yes, you can! Most of the benefial bacteria that you grown during the cycling process grows on the substrate and in the filter. If you keep the substrate and filter media wet with de-chlorinated water during the move you can add fish right away!
  5. Where do you all get these black worms? Does petsmart sell them? I don't beleive any of my local fish stores sell them. Perhaps theres a website that you order from?
  6. I orderd a teckin smart plug off amazon canada. I will be using the smart plugs to balance out the lighting in the tank to deal with the hair algea. I wanted to get the Kassa Timers but couldn't find them on amazon. the timer is coming on sunday. And it came in a two pack meaning that I can use another one for a furture aquarium.
  7. I thought it would be cool if the nerms put together a thread with a bunch of videos we want cory and the co-op team to do. Heres my suggestion: More Fish Room Vlogs. (obviously this would have to wait till cory moves into his new fish room/ house) I always thought it was fun when you would just go around, gravel vac the tanks, move fish around, and just do some general matnience. And it would be fun if you brought those videos back.
  8. Here is a good video that Irene did on breeding corydoras that has helped me: Hasbrosas Corys are a good corydora to breed in a 10 gallon along with Julii and Sterbais and Pygmys!!!
  9. I had a 10 gallon that was my first aquarium that was considerd "overstocked" it housed -Gourami -Angelfish -Swordtail -Threadfin Rainbow -Electric Blue Ram I never had any problems with the water quality (of course my stocking was not the best, the gourami tore the threadfin rainbows fins off and the electric blue ram died a year later due to getting ich because of the temp. and not to mention the fact that I put a angelfish in a 10 gallon) I did regular once a weekly waterchanges. Obviously the tank wasn't as "overstocked" as yours. This is why I dont like the term "overstocked" or the one inch of fish per gallon rule because every tank is different. wether your using a canister filter or a sponge filter, live plants or fake plants, etc.
  10. I do not live in califronia all though where I live has a simmillar rule. The floating plants that are ilegal is what you mentioned above and a bit more. But where I live Hornwort, Water Wisteria, LillyPads are all legal and can all be floating plants. Hope this helps!
  11. I got some Cryptacorne Wendetii Red: I also got a snail for my betta tank. The tank has been dealing with algae, so I am in the midst of trying to balance the tank out. But I thought a snail would help too
  12. I found this link earlier today. It has pictures of so MANY planted tank aquascapes that is meant to inspire/ motivate fellow aquarists. the pictures are sorted by the difficulty, size and aquarium type. https://tropica.com/en/inspiration/ Tropica in my opnion is one of the best (probably tied with the co-op) planted tank companies. I am a huge fan of there root tabs and aquarium plant fertilizer. Hope this links helps anyone in need of inspiration for there next tank build, or they just need some motivation!
  13. The root tabs just have air in them, which is why they are floating, poke a hole in them with a pen, tack, pencil, litterly anything thats pointy and shove it back into your substrate. No thats no over fertilizering, if you see that the nitrates get high (+40ppm) then I would decrease the amount of easy green you put in each dose or just dose less. Perhaps this is the video: All though they are trimming AMAZON SWORD, this goes with any kind of swords.
  14. I keep the pairs in a bair bottom 20 gallon high aquarium with a breeders slate (really its just a flat slate for the angelfish to lay there eggs on)
  15. Nope 12 angels is fine in a 90 gallon. You will probably get 2-3 pairs. Yes angels can take care of there own fry but it may take a few times before they can be good parents. They may also eat the eggs if there is other angels in the tank or other fish. As they mays see the fish as threat to the eggs.
  16. *on the last speech bubble for fish keepers, its supposed to be *green water is gone
  17. give them a few tries and they should learn to parent there fry well. I would suggest that if you are breeding for profit that you remove the eggs. Master Breeder Dean has said that you will always get the best survival rate if you decide to take out the eggs.
  18. I posted a bracket before the tournement started. But after the bracket was made i received so many more entries, and wasnt able to create a official bracket.
  19. its from a store, I have only had it for a few hours so no melting back yet.
  20. bettas truly are a spectacular fish! I hope you have as much fun with your betta as I have with mine!
  21. Got a snail friend for hugo the betta. The snail will hopefully help with the algae. I am also planing on buying the Kasa wifi light timer off amazon.ca, but I am waiting on the easy green to get back in stock so that I can order them all at once.
  22. My 40 gallon community tank was in desparte need of a re-scape. It was discusting! All the plants died because of a green water issue that wouldn't go away. But now that the green water issue has been resolved, its time for plants! I asked you guys, what should I do for plants? (see the thread below:) and you guys gave me so MANY suggestions. I decided that I wanted to go with... -Cryptacrone Wendetii in front of the wood -Amazon Swords to perimeter the inside of the tank -And then some rotala indica by the sponge filter ITS GOING TO LOOK GREAT!!! Since my lfs is more of a saltwater store they have a very limiting stock of plants. So I will have to get these plants overtime. But today I was able to pick up some cryptacorne wendetii red (see below) Now what is this community tank stocked with? -Angelfish x3 -Zebra Danios x6 (more coming soon) -Cardinal Tetras x5 (more coming soon) -Upside down catfish x2 -Bristlenose Pleco Heres the cryptacorne wendetii planted:
  23. In my experiance german blue rams do very poorly with water that is in the 70F. I would say minnumum temperture 80F but they would really thrive at 84-86F. The ram is probably just stressed from the move and will probably eat eventually, its only been a few days, give it some time. Think about raising the temperture
  24. Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE angelfish. I came across this article explaing the recessive and dominant genes of an angelfish. Keep in mind that when breeding angelfish this isn't a must have information all though it can be very helpful when trying to breed a desired trait for an angelfish. This a very interesting read and I reccemend it to any nerm that likes sience or biology. https://pethelpful.com/fish-aquariums/How-to-keep-Angelfish-Tropical-Tank-Set-Up Here are the recessive and dominant genes in a angelfish: Common Phenotype Genetic Symbol Domestic Silver + Dark D Marble M Gold Marbled Gm Gold g Zebra Z Sripeless S Smokey Sm Veiled V Streaked St Pearlscale P Albino a a Capitol letter being a dominot gene and lowercase being a recessive gene.
  25. Okay, that is the most stunning guppy i think I have ever seen! As soon as I saw it, I sware my jaw dropped open, and I couldn't close it. Congrats on making the most stuning guppy strain I have ever seen! Gourgeous!
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