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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Your videos are on private mode, when uploading a video to youtube make sure you check the "make it public box".
  2. Thats a lot of bristle nose you got there, I assume you were breeding them.
  3. Its not necessarily bad. Each planted tank is different. With a tank that has one anubius, one pump a week could be dosing too much because there is only one plant absorbing the nutrients. If you have a heavily planted tank, and the plants are absorbing the nutrients faster then one week, then you would want to dose more. Once a week is just what an average planted tank would need. Here is a video that Cory did that may help you out and make more sense
  4. What are your nitrites at? Is there any amonia in your tap water? Was your tank cycled? a good number for nitrates is 10-20ppm. If you have higher then that, it could be your fertilzer that your dosing. If your using a nitrogen base fertilizer (like easy green) this is probably your problem with the nitrates. Simply don't dose as much. What test kit/ test strips are you using?
  5. I have a brsitlenose pleco in a 40 gallon, with a cave for her to hide in. I have never attempted to breed bristlenose plecos, but... Cory has a video for that, and If you watch some of the dean fish room tours I know they talk a little about breeding plecos.
  6. How long has this tank been cycling?
  7. As soon as I saw that tank I imediatly thought, Apistogramma. You could do one apistogramma and then some harlequin rasboras or some rummy nose tetra. That would look GREAT
  8. I don't keep my foods in the fridge or freezer. I usually keep the specific food for that tank in the stand. I have never referigrated food (well I do referigate frozen foods) and I have never had a problem with not doing it.
  9. Yes the fluval nano 3.0 will be fine for 7.5 gallons heres a thread of peoples experiance with fluval 3.0s If you place the sponge filter in the tank and leave both filters runing for 3ish weeks, the bacteria in the original filter will have time to transer to the new sponge filter. I had the exact same problem with a simillar kit and the lights. I simply discarded the lid and lights, made a diy lid: And then I was able to get a light that was meant for planted aquariums that would just sit ontop the lid.
  10. Honestly if you have a source of amonia (fish) I dont find the point to using quick start. I would just use Seachem Prime Water conditioner, It will do the same as both the stress coat and the zyme.
  11. I think its a iron defency. Easy Iron can help with that. Here is a video Cory did on plant defencies
  12. I would say that most fishkeepers have a betta. They don't need a MASSIVE tank, easy to find, fairly cheap (really depends though), aboslutley stunning, and has a great persanolity! Whats not to love about bettas! Show us pictures of your betta! Heres Mine: His name is Hugo! The picture doesn't show it, but he has some blue flourecent on his fins. He is constantly begging for food or swimming, by far the most active betta I have owned, He refuses to rest on the betta hamock I got him. You can follow my betta tank thread here:
  13. My plants are pearling! By far the most satisying thing about owing a planted tank. And my new snail is SOO CUTE!!!
  14. It depends how long. if its the one week with the med trio, then go for it. If its the 4-6 week no med trio, I would do one group at a time. I would say three weeks MAX with that bio load with frequent water changes. And try feeding less each feeding, to lower the amonia.
  15. Did you cycle your tank? What are your nitrates and nitrites at? Is there amonia in your tap water?
  16. I have had power outages with my HOB and haven't had any problems. Longest being 4 hours. I didn't even stick a airstone in the tank and they were fine. All though an air stone in the tank would probably help too. I don't think it matters if its in the filter or not.
  17. Its defently not the plecos or the shrimp. Did you get the bettas from the same source? It could just be a bad source for bettas. Try ordering from somewhere else and do the QT Med trio upon arrival of betta.
  18. how do you clean the sponges? Under a tap or in a bucket of dirty fish water/ dechlorinated water? Yes, any amonia in a tank is bad for the fish. But.. if your fish seem happy it should be fine. The amonia is not even at 1ppm.
  19. The sponges will get clogged with fish debris, poop, etc. I just cleaned my sponge filter (first time in months, the co-op video reminded me to do so) and it was GROSS what was inside that sponge, so I would suggest to clean the sponge and you'll no exactly what I'm talking about.
  20. I got a snail for my betta tank too. They are SO cute!! All though my plants have small roots so he accidently will ocasionly rip up the plants.
  21. Good idea. The reason why I wanted people to give me there photots through pm, was because this way the forums activity isn't flooded with pictures for the contest. This could be hard for those people who need questions answered but no ones see's there questions because of all the photos being sent in a clogging up the forums activity. If that makes sense
  22. Hey, My 40 gallon community tank is a bit cloudy. It is currently being run by a sponge filter. I was wondering if I run the filter below and the spongefilter if it will fix my problem, or is it a good filter? I wanted to get the AquaClear HOB but it won't fit in my lid and, I don't wanna cut holes in it. So I thought a internal filter would be the way to go. Here is the filter I'm talking about: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07YDK9HC3/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=AR7YVDDR7QAFR&psc=1 Also would the ziss bio filter work? My Stocking is: -Angelfish x3 -Zebra Danios x6 -Cardinal Tetras x5 -Bristlenose Pleco -Upside down catfish x2 My water parameters are: Nirates 25ppm Nitrites and Amonia 0
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