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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Irene from girls talks fish has a storrage rubbber maid that she uses for a QT tank and a Hospital Tank. You could simply put the rubbermaid on the floor. I dont have my Hospital Tank runing all the time, but instead when there is no fish in the tank I drain it and put the filter into one of my established tanks. This will keep the beneficial bacteria alive so I can fill the tank up whenever I need. Heres a video @Irene did on her QT/ Hopsital Tank setup:
  2. There is some good information on this thread: If you scroll through a bit, you will see other forum members asking the same question.
  3. In a lot of my responses to posts you may see me link these two videos. These were two videos that helped me the MOST when figuring out what was wrong with my planted tanks, and some of the most frequent questions asked. Do you have any videos that you found EXTREMLEY helpful? Link them below: I link them so often I made a playlist with them:
  4. I would say if your planing on planting stem plants in sand I would suggest to add root tabs. This will add the nutrients that your plants need. It depends how old your tank substrate is too, if its a few years old and is full of fish poop your plants will do fine in a sand substrate without root tabs.
  5. FrozenFins

    Sick fish

    Clamped fins is usaully a sign of something. Sometimes this can be water parameters, stress or even another disease. It does not look like ich to me. I would go with the Med Trio especially the Maracyn and add salt at 2tsp a gallon. Make sure you dont have any live plants in the tank as this will kill them. If you do have live plants skip the salt treatment. Make sure your water parameters look like this: Nitrites and Amonia: 0 Nitrates 10-20ppm And do regular water changes. I had a betta in a bowl when I first started keeping fish and it develped clamped fins. This was obviously to the water temp as well as the other parameters. I fixed my mistakes and put him in a proper size tank with clean water. It was within days his clamped fins was gone.
  6. It really depends on what betta you have and there temperment as well as your setup. If you have pleanty of hiding spots for the shrimp (moss, monte carlo, other heavily planted areas) you may get away with it. Some bettas will tear apart any tankmates where as others won't care for other tank mates. I have heard of many success storys when paring bettas and shrimp, all though dont be shocked if you see a shrimp go missing every now and again. Some bettas won't mind the shrimp and won't care. If your betta is an older betta they may not care enough to go after one. It also helps if your betta has long fins (not plakats or females) because this will slow them down. I persanolly am growing a monte carlo carpet in my betta tank and am hoping that I can one day add shrimp to the tank. Best of luck!
  7. Because your new to planted tanks I would suggest the following: -Crypts -Anubius -Java Fern -Amazon Sword
  8. This could be a lack of potassium. I am not familliar with that fertilizer, the Seachem Flourish Potassium is a potassium based fertilizer and should fix this problem. Here are two videos that may help
  9. I'm wondering if the high protein foods has made them want to breed. I am no expert on breeding fish, but it would explain why there more aggressive. Have you seen any eggs? Look inside their caves, now do you see eggs?
  10. I just thought of something. I have a bristlenose pleco, I have heard the bristlenose plecos will usually eat the amazon swords.
  11. Do you know what day it its? ITS Wooded Wednesday TIME!!! Here is my pecie of drift wood. I beleive its malasian driftwood. My upside down catfish and pleco like to hide behind it.
  12. Alrighty Here is my 40 gallon that is UGLY and needs a rescape. It is stocked with... -Angelfish x3 -Zebra Danios x6 -CardInal Tetras x5 -Upside Down Catfish x2 -Bristenose Pleco I plan on getting more danios and cardinal tetras (to make it 12 danios, 10 cardinals) Yes I know this is overstocked, but I do regular water testing and waterchanges. Okay now, what I dont like about the tank... -The light will support plants, but constantly make my water look orange (I have tested it is the light) I want to invest in the Fluval 3.0, but not right now. -I need plants. Everything died from my green water incident and not to mention my stupid self wanting to pick up green hedge a non aquatic plant (I didn't know it was non-aquatic at the time) -But I need some suggesttions of plants. I really like Crypts and Java Fern, but what do you guys think?
  13. Add API Quick start, that should help. How long did you cycle it before adding fish? Usually a cycle will take 4-6 weeks
  14. Are the air bubbels coming from the filter or are they just stuck on the glass and decor? I find that the air bubbels will form on the glass and decor after filling the tank up. It will just go away within a few days, all though you could get a algae scruber and just scrub them off.
  15. It sounds like you thought your tank was cycled, but it wasn't. There should be 10-20ppm of nitrates in the tank. When you tested your water before adding fish was there any nitrates? When cycling a tank you are looking for the following: -0 Nitrites -0 Amonia -10-20ppm Nirates If I am not mistakes after adding the API Quick Start you MUST add a source of amonia (food, fish, poop, etc.) otherwise the bacteria in the bottle dies. I would suggest to add API Quick Start right now. As well as for the next week feed every other day feeding very little until you come back with 10-20ppm of nitrates.
  16. I didn't create this meme for nothing: I start dreaming about my next aquarium the second I have space for another one.
  17. You could try to find another 10 gallon at petco, I'm sure there not all like that. (but perhaps I'm wrong). . The Fluval Spec 10 gallon is very modern looking. Here is the 5 gallon version: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0089E5VLC/ref=twister_B00DCWY93C?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 I am sure you could find this tank at almost any petstore. I know petsmart and petland both sell them where I live. I have the 5 gallon version, here is what it looks all setup: I have wrapped a peice of fabric and ziptied it to the outake to lower the flow for my betta. I beleive the 10 gallon is about $150. But it also comes with a very nice internal filter, filter media, planted tank light.
  18. I AM NO LONGER ACCEPTING PHOTOS!!! The tournament has already started. If you wish to send in your picture to a contest, perhaps we can do another touranment in the future. To make sure you don't miss a future tournament you can always follow this thread.
  19. I dont know if I will ever get the shirtless Dean out of my mind
  20. can you send us pictures of the fish with ich? I treated ich with API Super Ick Cure, and it worked great for me. I didn't add any salt and netiher did I adjust the temp. I have heard great things about ich x too.
  21. The most peacful gouramis in my opinion are honey gouramis and sparkiling gouramis. Cory also made a video of the most peacful gouramis
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