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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Seems like a fun tank! -unlike what @CorydorasEthan said I would not reccemoend putting more then three ottos in a tank. Yes they do enjoy more friends like corydoras. But the algae and food probably wont be enough to sustain 6 ottos. 3 may even be a bit much. especially if you plan on having amano and cherry shrimp. -I would do the CPDs but thats just because i like them more then the neon tetras -It seems that you will have lots of bottom dwelling fish. The corys, shrimp, kuhlis, ottos will all ocupant the bottom. I would say to stick with one kind of corydora, one kind of shrimp (they will breed like cazy) and the pygmys may be better off with the cherry shrimps. Scarlet Badis will also occupy the bottom portion of the tank, so I would say three of those. Heres what i would say it should loook like in simpillar terms -Pygmy Corys 6 -Kuhli Loaches 3 -Cherry Shrimp 6 -CPDs 15-20 -Scarlet Badis 3 -4 Pencilfish keep up on your matnience, and have fun with this tank!
  2. My monte carlo is starting to carpet in my fluval spec betta tank, all though there is some hair algae in the tank, so I'm getting the KASSA WIFI LIGHT TIMER to balance the tank out for it soon. Also question for some of you: I have relized that the monte carlo is carpeting, it is also growing up in some places. I was wondering if anyone had experiance with the fluval spec 5 gallon light and monte carlo.
  3. I would say most people start the cycle with no fish. The nitrogen cycle starts naturally. You can always speed up the cycle by adding a source of amonia such as: -A very small bioload of fish, -fish food, -fish poop. I have done the fish food and fish poop method and both got my tank cycled in a little over a week. If you decide to let nature take its course and not speed up the nitrogen cycle, the average cycle will take 4-6 weeks (of course every aquarium is different) If you would like to learn more about the nitrogen cycle there are PLEANTY of threads for this. Simply search it up in the search bar. Also here is a playlist of cycling videos @Irene did on her experiments on the cycle:
  4. Congrats to our winner, @WhitecloudDynasty!!! This was really fun and I would love to do it again sometime, let me know if you would too!
  5. Here is a thread that other forum members have put what setting they have there fluval 3.0s at, perhaps one of there settings can help you out: To get rid of the algae you will want to balance out your tank. Figure out what you have to much of: -Too much lighting -Excess nutrients (from fertilizer) those are the two main reasons why your tank may be inbalanced. The best way to find out is to test your water, what are the nitrates like and other prameters at? If your tank is un balanced because of the excess nutrients, simply don't dose as much fertilizer or dose less fertilizer. This period of time will be experimenting whats best for your tank. When I dealt with hair algae these video helped me a lot
  6. neocaridina shrimp is what seems to do the best. Cherry shrimp are the hardiest of the neocaridina, but if your looking for blue variety of shrimps red dreams and red velvets are nice too. Just keep in mind any amount of amonia can be toxic to fish, so try to lower it to 0 ppm. Here are some great care videos for the neocaridina shrimp. These videos are targeted to cherry shrimp but will work for most neocaridna shrimp
  7. If your splitting the 29gallon in half, means that it is allowing 15 gallons of space per fish. How big is your cichlid, just wondering because if its too big it could eat the fish I would reccemend. Here are some aggressvive fish for just 15 gallons -Dwarf Gourami -German Blue Rams -Apistogramma -Kribensis
  8. as long as the the nitrates are down at 10-20ppm and the nitrites at 0, you can move him in now. A waterchange willl lower the nitrates and nitrites.
  9. Congratulations! Your tank is cycled! I would do a waterchange to lower the nitrites and nitrates. You will want your nitrates at 10-20ppm and nitrites at 0ppm. I had this exact thing happend to my tank, all I did was a waterchange, and that did it.
  10. interesting.... I read that fish food will still be good up to 3 months past the expirey date. I used to feed tetra flakes and it said a few years till expirey.
  11. lol, there was a time a few years back where all I read was harry potter. It really is a excellent book series.
  12. Just look out for any infections or other external issues. This is especially common with wild caught angelfish, especially altums. I have never heard of this happening to goldfish though. To prevent this from ever happening again, I would cover the glass pannels, except for the viewing pannel. Honestly i am surpised she isn't dead
  13. Depends how its packed, -If its in a breather bag, don't worry about it they will be fine. -If its in a normal fish bag with 1/3 water 2/3 air/ oxygen I expect they would be fine. I have had fish in those bags for longer. -You could always just put the fish in a bucket and add an airstone, all though they may not even need an airstone I have had fish in a bucket for 4-5 hours at a time, with a towel over top of them. Make sure if you add a lid to the bucket there is some holes in the lid for air movement.
  14. I found this: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Muscle-Rack-Black-5-Tier-Heavy-Duty-Steel-Garage-Storage-Shelving-36-in-W-x-72-in-H-x-18-in-D-UR-185PBB/305553549 I have never used it, but Cory has had very good reviews with a simmilar storage rack. It could fit a 75 on one rack and 4 10 gallons a shelf. it claims to support 800lbs per shelf. Heres the video cory did on the smaller version:
  15. I wouldnt do anything like that. Just take the algae off manually, you dont have to if you dont want to.
  16. Phillip, algae is very common, your doing nothing wrong. It can start to hurt your plants when you have an outburst of algae. The algae will consume all the nutrients the plants want. @Seattle_Aquaristhas some good tips on getting rid of it. Personally I wouldn't use easy carbon.
  17. @Sandy for the most part most plants do NEED co2 injection from a co2 canister. Sure, they'll benefit from it and do very well with co2, but I wouldn't say its necessary.
  18. what I can say, that may not help your odds but... Cory has said multiple times that in his experiance neocardina shrimp such as cherry shrimp have even spawned under a layer of ice. Whats the average temp in the winter in maine?
  19. I dont know if this brings me joy or frustration... But when I stick my hand in the tank for matnience and the danios come chasing the hand and nibbling on it. Also my angelfish, when they chase me around the tank. I will poke my head on the right side pannel, the come runing over. I poke my head in the left side pannel, they come runing over. Also my plants pearling.
  20. I noticed the theme changed back to the original one.
  21. I would encourage you to put this information in the thread below, this thread is full of other suggestions that us, the forum members would fine helpful:
  22. Honestly ordering easy iron and carbon would be a waste of money in my opinion. The easy iron I only use for when I have red plants, and the easy carbon is a algae inhibitor, I have never used the easy carbon and never had an issue. The easy green will give the anubius and guppy grass the nutrients the plants need.
  23. I would pick the foods your fish like the most, and use those. The rest you could find a place for them and put them away. Fish Food takes awhile to expire.
  24. I have had this Monte Carlo for almost 2 weeks now and its looking AWESOME. It starting to carpet a bit, and it hasn't even melted back yet. I thought it would as I bought it as a tissue culture out of water. There is a bit of algae on the glass and some hair algae, so I will be putting the light on a timer. And I'm thinking if the betta lets me I will add a snail to clean it up for me. And possibly down the road some cherry shrimp (thats only if the betta doesn't eat them)
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