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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Honestly I don't quarintine with any meds. I qt them for 4-6 weeks, and if they looks and are acting healthy I will add them to the display. I will only medicate when needed. They do look a bit thing, so paraclense could be the way to go. But salt WILL work too with the ratio of 3tsp a gallon of salt. Your going to wanna make sure there is no live plants in the tank as salt will kill the plants. SuperTech 100% fish health remedy will do what the salt does but a better job in my experiance. It will cure external parasites and bacterial infections, and I beleive it could cure internal parasites. This 100% natural is completley snail, shrimp and plant safe.
  2. My cardinal tetras will sometimes school in two different schools. So I'll see one of the schools, and be like, 1,2,3,4,5 - where are the other 5! Only to relize there on the other side of the tank!
  3. I would assume no. If your plants can grow in that lighting schedule then so could algae, right? If their still getting the 8-10 hours a day you'd think that algae wouldn't care and would grow anyway. Algae can also grow under other lighting, like the lights that are outside of your aquarium (like your room lights, window, t.v) All though these lights won't cause a HUGE algae outbreak but algae could still survive under those conditions.
  4. I have seen multiple pictures of rainbowfish online, all of which have what I thought was a stress stripe when it was on mine. I wanted to know if this is a stress bar and if it is why are they so prone to stress? And if it isn't, why is it that my rainbowfish stripes will come and go, but will usually be visibile. Heres an example: I have noticed on my rainbows that there colors fade when they display this stripe (which is what I thought a stress sign), and I saw from another forum member today the same thing! I have also kept threadfin rainbows and they didn't have any of that stripe. I am wondering if its just usually on "bigger" rainbow species. Maybe its just the Rainbow Fish genetics?
  5. The Aquarium Co-Op in person shop has only the "width sides" supported. The if the four corners along with the hole "width side" is being suported it should be fine. heres what I mean by "width side"
  6. Yes a 10 gallon would be okay for a hill stream loach but a 20gal is probably more appropiate.
  7. I'm not sure what could be on the glass. But aquarium salt should cure the popeye. I would do 2tsp a gallon. I'm assuming that because its a flowerhorn you don't have any other fish in the tank, right? What are your water parameters? Salt has helped me when I dealed with pop at the ratio of 2tsp a gallon it wasn't till about a week until it was gone. Your going to want to make sure the tank is clean (every other day waterchange) and put salt in every day (2tsp a gallon) Make sure you get aquarium salt or epsom salt, not marine salt.
  8. better be safe then sorry 🙂
  9. It doesn't look like hole in the head at all to me. Hole in the head looks like small little "holes" in the fish near the head. Hole in the head usaully has more then just on white dot and is usaully bigger. Heres a picture for refernce: It just looks like a fungus infection. But if you still want to treat for parasites like Colu suggested I would use Paraclense. (your still going to want to treat for the bacterial infection so I would do maracyn) Heres why: -API General Cure and Paraclense both treat for parasitic infections. I don't know if Maracyn and General Cure mix well together which is why I am recemending Maracyn and Paraclense. Maracyn will treat the bacterial infection. Both are plant safe. Also Paraclense is cheaper and Cory reccemonds it as part of his med trio. I agree with @Colu treat in whatever tank the corycat is in
  10. I had a rainbow that looked just like that. I also didn't know what it was called and I asked everyone, no one knew. Until I saw the same species of rainbow fish at my lfs, I beleive its the deep water creek rainbow.
  11. Heres one: It helped me lots when setting up my first aquarium with actual plants: This next one is like 15minutes so not a long video but its VERY helpful. It really helped when I couldnt find out why my planted tank was failing.
  12. I'm just hoping for my fish club to re-open.
  13. I obviously watch the co-op. But I also like KG Tropicals and Fish Boy. Fish Boy started at the beginig of the pandemic and is already at 10k subscribrers. I also enjoy watching the Primetime Aquatics Live Streams.
  14. I do my waterchanges on wednesday or tuesday and then does the ferts on the weekend. There isn't any specific reason on why I do this, its just how I do it.
  15. Looks like she has some clamped fins and some fungus. Knowing that you have plants in that tank salt won't work because it will kill the plants. Maracyn would work for this as it is plant safe, and it would probably do a better job then salt. If you live Canada or another country that doesn't have access to maracyn I would try supertech fish health remedy
  16. Hey fellow nerms, I want to have a fish photo contest on this forum. How its going to work: -Private Message me a photo of the fish that you want to be entered in the contest. If you are unsure how to do this, click the mail box icon next tot he notifaction bell, and click compose new. -I will then create a tournament bracket, and I will post the photos submitted to me on this thread -You can vote on the better picture by using the heart reaction, or other reactions. The photo with the most votes/ reactions will move on to the next round. If there is a tie breaker needed, I will be the last vote. -Winner will receive official nerm braging rights Please private message me the photos no later then Monday11:59pm centeral time. The Contest will start on Tuesday. Each competition will close on noon centeral time the following day (I will try to post the photos by 1pm Centeral time, no promises). I may hide the posts that have been outdated (I may hide tuesdays competions on wednesday when it closes)
  17. Now I know what I'll be doing tomorow, thanks fish folk! Also just a FYI, the Contributions to North American Ichthyology didn't load properly so if you were like me and still wanted to read it but couldn't get it to load, you can download a pdf file here. Fish Folk I would encourage you to upload this pdf file to the files tab of the forum: https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/files
  18. does anyone hear know how to speak corydora?
  19. yeah good point. theres also lots of plants pulling all the nutrients like nitrates out of water.
  20. good point but in the wild the substrate isn't gravel vacved and maintained. I have kept gravel and corydoras with no problem either
  21. I honestly didn't know the point for tags until now, which is why I never spent the time including these in my posts. Now that I know, I will be adding tags to my posts. You learn something new every day!
  22. I beleive aqua huna sells them, you can check there.
  23. The kassa smart plugs are great too: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/kasa-wifi-light-timer its meant for lights, but can be used for filters too.
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