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  1. I plan on purchasing the powerhead, does anyone know if it’s the medium size pre filter sponge that will fit it?
  2. After going back and forth with myself for months, ive found i definetly enjoy the safety of a sponge filter. I dislike fish getting suck into, and stuck with HOB filters, and ive heard Cory rant about canister filters. Ive been just running a sponge filter for a few days now. My only issue is i have a certain fish (my panda garra) that really liked the flow from my HOB. So my solution is using a Power Head. Being as i have the aquariumcoop sponge filter, it would probably be the best option to use the matching powerhead. However the flow is WAY to high for my tank. So i had 2 ideas. (Photo was taken from the ACO website on the powerhead page). Both of my ideas use a Ball Valve to weaken flow. Idea #1 is put a ball valve on the output itself controlling how much water can come out at a time. Idea #2 is replace the intake tube with a Ball Valve controlling how much water goes in. here is a picture (taken from ACO website as i said, giving credit here) : Any opinions/suggestions? feedback would be appreciated. @nabokovfan87does a lot of work with filters.
  3. I’ve installed a similar one in my 75 gal. It’s really beneficial for creating flow and keeping detritus under control. I have two filters attached, one with floss and one with coarse sponge. I angle it so there’s more or less a circular flow around the tank, but move it around if needed to clear out pockets of detritus. If it was attached to a a substrate mounted Coop sponge filter it could be hidden much easier.
  4. Been using my python to do water changes into my sink, problem is I pay for water and sewer. So if I can use a siphon into a bucket then send water out a window to yard I would save money. Only paying to fill not paying for water to start python or the sewer bill for draining. From the floor (bottom of bucket) it would be about a 4’ lift to get it out the window. Would the Aquarium Co-Op Power Head be capable of this? If not any recommendations on one that will work? I’ve been wanting to do this for a while now and $20 seems like a fair price.
  5. Have had the Fluval Flex 15 gallon and love the tank. I have one power head positioned to agitate the water and one positioned down to push down CO2 bubbles towards the bottom of the tank from the diffuser. However, my tetras spend most of their time at the bottom of the tank at the base of the spider wood. I’m thinking it’s because the power head that’s positioned down is creating a current down at the bottom of the tank and the tetras are swimming against it. Does anyone else have this tank and how do they position their power head nozzles on it?? Thanks!
  6. Alright last random question for the week - water pumps! I need to find a pump that can move water from a reservoir into some of my tanks, and from the drainage basin (from tank overflows) into my sink drain. These should run submerged and I don't want something that could leak oil into the water for obvious reasons! Any good product leads for pumps like these? Gracias!
  7. Hey everyone, I have a powerhead on a sponge filter, and it is really loud, the sponge has not really ever been cleaned, maybe that is why. Also why do sponges need to be cleaned. I know I should know that, but I don't. Thanks
  8. Hello, I recently put a power head in my tank to help circulate the water and CO2 at the moment i have a real solid prefilter on it and it gets clogged quickly. The whole it needs to fit on for the inlet may only be about an inch so would the Mini Pre Filter fit on the inlet? I just want something coarser to stop floating plants from getting sucked into the inlet and smaller fry. Thank you,
  9. I'm looking for powerhead suggestions for a 40 breeder. I want something I can put a sponge filter on and will give a medium-light to medium flow in that tank. I've seen a bunch of them online and their flow rates. Just looking for what others think the best one is and if their flow matches what is advertised. I ended up finding a second 40 breeder so this one is going to be a North American tank with rainbow darters and rainbow shiners to sit beside my hillstream loach and pencil fish 40 breeder. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
  10. Hi all, Right or wrong, I have been running sponge filters with power heads in this one tank for years. And it works so I wanted to keep it that way. The Aquarium CoOp sponge filters are wonderful and the sponge is not too fine and it doesn’t collapse with the water flow. The only issue is that the lift tubes are great for bubbles but too narrow for my set up. Looks like there could be lift tubes that would fit as “outies” but the ones provided are “innies”Just wanted to find out if anyone knows where I can get lift tubes that may work for me with AC sponge filters or if if anyone has any other ideas or fixes? Thank you.
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