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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. I know they dont sell live feeder fish, if thats what your wondering about. I'm not sure if they sell live black worms or any other kind of live foods.
  2. Do you have a fish room setup for breeding fish? Or are you that monster fish guy that considers everything to be under 30 gallons a nano aquarium? What are you most passionate/ intersted in this hobby? Ever since joining the co-op community and this forum I have started to reallu LOVE planted tanks. Now every tank of mine needs a plant of some kind. My favorite kind of aquariums are planted bio-topes. I have been really thinking about a nano planted asian biotope. I find that lush, green, pearling plants can be very satisfying. I also really like aquariums that mimic the natural habitat of fish. For example an aquarium with no filter or heater but with so many plants that they can get away with this and the zero waterchanges but only the odd top-off.
  3. What brand of fertilizer are you using, is it the API stuff? I have no experiance with this but I can tell you that what your describing is defentley a defiancy. I would suggest to steer away from the API fertilizer and try Aquarium Co-Op Easy Green and Aquarium Co-Op Easy Iron Easy Green https://www.aquariumcoop.com/collections/the-easy-range/products/easy-green-all-in-one-fertilizer Easy Iron https://www.aquariumcoop.com/collections/the-easy-range/products/easy-iron
  4. Sorry to hear of your loss. I would reccomend to still treat the tank with the meds that colu suggested just to make sure its all gone.
  5. I second that, that sounds really cool
  6. I've had corydoras on a gravel substrate with no problems.
  7. So for the plants: The holes in the leaves resembles a deffiency (not enough of something) holes in leaves resembles either a lack of potassium or iron (cant remember). I HIGHLY suggest you check this video out. It was VERY helpful to me when I started keeping live plants and I look back on this video every so often. When cycling a tank we test for nitrates, this resembles that there is benefical bacteria in the aquarium. The bacteria transform the amonia (fish poop and other stuff) to nitrites and then to nitrates. It seems to me that the tank was not cycled. What are your nitrates? The video above will answer lots of questions, I know it answerd mine. The Java Fern are industructable and may melt but not a lot. And remember never be sorry for asking a question, thats what this forum is for. Its okay to feel discouraged, this is a tough hobby especially when dealing with live plants. We may not all get it the first time.
  8. if you place two 55s at the two ends of the tank it will cause more flow which is good and is probably what I would do. For asthetic reason I like filters at one end of the tank, especially sponge filters. Angelfish are the best, you chose a great fish.
  9. This is something that I want to do myself, you will probably need a microscope. But heres my thought: -How long does benefcial bacteria take to die? For example: when the bacteria is out of water it dies in "x" amount of time. Without a source of amonia it will take "x" amount of time. I know @Daniel likes his science and biology I'm sure he will have LOTS to say on this. Best of luck on your assingment!
  10. Finally went to the fish store and got supplies for my new betta tank. Heres the thread I made for it: I don't usaully go to this fish store because its further and because I don't agree with their policies (its money first not fish). There was a sign up by their bettas that said "minnumum 3-5 gallons" but then proceeds to sell the fish bowls and other 1/2 gallon betta tanks. Very conflicting advice. Days like this I wish I was in the co-op area. The LFS closer to my house is GREAT only problem is its mostly saltwater. Its great when I'm looking for more popular freshwater fish or when I need fish food or something easy like that (I try to support this store more then any other). But when looking for certain plants I'll go to the one I went today. The one I went today keeps bettas in the tiny container (I get why) but the one closer to my house keeps them in actual aquariums with some of their other fish, which is better and it gives the right message. They also also always have a cute fahaka puffer instock in the fall months (september, october). well thats enough with this rant. You can click the link above to see how the scape turned out, I'm very pleased with it. I used monte carlo so within a month or two maybe three I'll have a nice carpet.
  11. I would do salt not the med trio. All though the med trio won't hurt and will only benefit your fish. The salt may hurt your plants so if you have a bucket or an empty tank put the guppy in their with adequate filtration and light. The Maracyn in the med trio will also help in this case. Because you already bought the med trio start out with that and if that doesn't work try salt at a ratio of 3tsp a gallon.
  12. looks fine just make sure their isn't a lot of light on that plant. Java Fern is a low light plant so too much could be dentrimental
  13. A good clean up crew could be... -otocinclus -Siamiese Algae Eater -Snails -Bristlenose Pleco -Sterbai Corydora
  14. Well I went to the local fish store for supplies and scaping materials. Unfortuanltey I forgot like half of the stuff on my list. I'll have to go back and get them. Heres the final scape: I used monte carlo, dragon stone and some seachem planted tank substrate and also a betta leaf for my future betta to sleep on. I also picked up some betta food (hikari betta bio gold, northfin betta pellets and fluval bug bites for bettas). I forgot an intake sponge, root tabs (so maybe not half) I was going to get some amazon frogbit but turn out its illegal where I live so I'll have to get some from amazon.ca because it turns out they sell that.
  15. FrozenFins

    Neon tetras

    I'm thinking it was cloudy eye. Its often very hard to treat but it can be cause by poor water parameters or a bacterial infection.
  16. I feed once a day I just feed a little more during the feeding. I would suggest once or twice a day. I like the NewLife Spectrum Pellets and the Xtreme Flakes are great too. For my betta I feed northfin betta pellets and hikari betta bio gold.
  17. Your missing your neon tetras? Have you reterievd their bodies or can you just not see them anymore. Neons can be jumpers so make sure you have a lid on.
  18. Agree with @Daniel thats definatly a mosquito fish.
  19. Bettas all the way! It will be abit overstocked so just keep up with your water changes.
  20. The pizza bone is the best part of a pizza. I will eat a slice of pizza just so I can eat the bone.
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