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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. This can be a sign of amonia burn. Have you ever tested the water and have the amonia VERY HIGH. I have an angelfish with a red gill too and its been like this for YEARS. Ever since I got him, for this reason I don't think my angelfish had a amonia burn all though its very possible. My angelfish has been fine. So in conclussion, Its nothing to worry about. It can't kill the fish (the high levels of amonia can though, but yours are at 0 so you should be fine) Just watch it. I don't think its a wound.
  2. Aquarium Co-op Is very good with their customer service. I can assure you that they will refund any products "ruined" in shipping. So if the easy green does freeze they will most likely refund it. They do insolate their boxes. The Easy Iron and Easy Carbon are all great products and in my opinion are better then the seachem fertilizers.
  3. That scape looks lovely! Welcome to the forum Tom!
  4. Neon Tetras are one of my favorite fish with bettas. But here are some other fish with bettas that I really like -Bristlenose Pleco -Snails -Ottos -SAE -Ember Tetra -Corydoras, especially pygmys -Chilli Rasbora -Harlequin Rasbora
  5. Fancy goldfish would do very well in that setup along with koi
  6. get a bigger bucket. The homedepot 5 gallons are great. Or get a water pump and pump water to a drain (sink, floor drain, bathtub)
  7. If you have had the bristlenose pleco in your care and it seems healthy and you know he hasn't been around fish with parasites I wouldn't quarintine him. There is a very slim chance your fish have internal parasites especially when you know where that fish has been.
  8. Welcome to the forum, 13 tanks seems like quite the setup!
  9. A thourough rinse should do it, boiling wont hurt either.
  10. it varies from parasite to parasite. Ich will live up to 48 hours without a host. The average parasite is 5 days.
  11. I wouldn't see the harm of medicating the fish if there is only shrimp and snails. If there are other fish I would use your 10 gallon.
  12. Agree with @Kirsten try to find euthromycin. You will probably not be able to find it if you live in Canada as it is illgeal. If you do live in Canada just start treating with aquarium salt.
  13. Yes that sounds good. I think that sponge filter would be over doing it. There is nothing bad with a slight over filtration it can just be a waste of money.
  14. Your parameters seem perfect. 0 amonia and nitrites is what you want. And anywhere between 10-20ppm of nitrates is good. If your worried because of your plants, if your dosing fertilizer you should be fine.
  15. Love seeing this. I don't have a microscope but I sure would like one. Very intersting when you combine science and aquariums.
  16. Yes cattapa leaves will work too!
  17. The med trio wont do much. To correct the clamp fins you need to figure out the problem and fix it. I'll give you an example of a betta I had with clamped fins (keep in mind this was YEARS ago and I have learned from my mistakes) -I had a betta in a bowl with no heater the betta develped clamped fins. The problem: The water parameters and the tempeture of the water. I fixed the problem and he was all fine. I am thinking its the amonia and ph causing this. Do a waterchange an then lower the ph. To lower ph you can introduce tannins or get: -Seachem Betta Basics This will buffer the ph to 7.0. -Aquarium Salt will also help.
  18. I would try -Salt Bath -Maracyn Treatment Do the salt bath one day. And then the next day to a salt and marcyn treatment for the next week.
  19. Is the fish still eating? How long have you had it? Has it always had a swollen lip? whats the temp. of your water? Honestly salt won't hurt but I wouldn't worry too much. It could be a bacterial infection but I'm not sure. If the fish is still eating just watch it closely.
  20. If the water tempeture is what you are wanting then a second heater is not mandatory. I wouldn't get another one if the on you already have is doing the job you want it to.
  21. in a live stream Cory has said that everything that is out of stock on the website has been orderd.
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