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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. you dont ever need to clean algae off of surfaces. I have a sponge filter like that and I leave it. If you dont like the looks of it get a tooth brush and scrub it off. yes you need to do filter matnience, just squeeze the filter in your dirty tank water after every waterchange.
  2. I'm wondering if its a tumor. The tumor wont be treated by meds but only by surgery. As far as the cloudy eye I would treat his tank with maracyn and then do waterchanges often.
  3. very nice setup! The plants seem to be doing awesome!
  4. I wouldn't do peperd corys for that exact reason they are shoaling fish. Pygmy corys may be okay though.
  5. If they are stem plants they need root tabs examples are: -Swords -Water Wisteria -Cryps -Java Fern -Valisenaria Water colum plants need fertilizer examples are: -Floating Plants -Anubius nana All though regardless all plants should be fertilzed. stem plants in my experiance dont need root tabs but will help the growth of root tabs.
  6. looks like neon tetra disease developing. I would do aquarium salt at a ratio of 2Tablespoons a gallon. If that doesn't work I would do one of the following: -API Fin and Body Cure -Maracyn -Supertech
  7. looking really good. Welcome to the forum!
  8. I like neon tetras or ember tetras with bettas. The biggest thing to look out for is to make sure they are peacful non fin nipping fish. Not all bettas will like shrimp as most of them will find the shrimp as a tasty snack. I would put the betta first to claim their territory.
  9. technology? never heard of it. I have a friend who uses Aquarium Assistant he seem to like it. I simply have a peice of paper with my matnience scehdule right next to each of my aquariums. In the past I have used the calendar on my phone, and it will send me notifactions.
  10. I never medicate fish when I quarintine unless they show signs of a illness. So if it was me, I would just put them in the 20 and forget about medicating. With that being said safer is always the better option. I beleive the med trio is plant safe, so I beleive your plants would be alright. Don't quote me on this as I have never tried this myself.
  11. Care requirements for snails are all relteviley the same. They will breed under the right conditions, and will produce pleanty of babies. They will feed on vegetation such as dead plants, algae, veggies, algae wafer, etc. as well as left over food.
  12. That sounds like a cool tank to me, I don't see any issues that may arise. Good luck with your first tank!
  13. I'll go first... I would do a nano asian themed aquarium. After seeing the co-op video of Jimmy's fish tanks I wanted to setup a heavily planted rimless 5 gallon. I want it to be kind of an "asain" themed. As far as plants I would do... Hydro Pinnatifida Hornwort Rotala Indica Crypt Wendetii Red Red Root Floater/ Amazon Frogbit Java Fern I know not all of these plants are from asia, but most are As far as fish I would do... -Sparkling Gourami -Celestrial Pearl Danio -And possibly some kind of shrimp
  14. Lets say you had a empty 5-10 gallon, what would you do with it? Explain what kind of scape you would want and what kind of fish you would stock it with.
  15. have you been ordering from the same supplier? I know panda corys are really bad for that toxin, pygmy corys I'm not sure. And if the tetras are doing fine as well as the mollies I suspect its that toxin.
  16. Killifish are great top dwelling fish and dont need a school. But make sure there is a lid with 0 holes. If there is holes in your lid you can always patch it up with a flat pollycarbonated sheet or just tightly taped cardboard ideally taped with duct tape. With a 10 gallon tank heres what I would do: Top Dwelling: Killifish or Betta (yes bettas can have other tank mates, just not other bettas. Just make sure it has a peacful temperment.) Medium Dwelling: Neon Tetra/ Celestrial Pearl Danio Bottom Dwelling: Pygmy Corycatfish or Salt and Pepper Corycatfish.
  17. Your plant is melting, and its completley normal. You can cut the stem off or just leave it and it should fix itself. Just give it a few weeks.
  18. I believe mystery snails would be too big for a pea puffer and yet the pond snails may be small enough. If you have a empty tank or bucket you could just remove the mystery snail and setup a snail trap. Pretty much just a container with like cucumber or zuchnni in it.
  19. It seems that your over complicating this whole idea. Don't chase your water parameters, the biggest thing is that you keep your parameters stable. I don't usually mesure dGH or dKH so I dont think that would make as big of an impact to your plants as you may be thinking it will. lol, I only use seachem prime and flourish (all though I'm not a big fan of flourish). I would suggest to use the Aquarium Co-op Easy green for plant fertilizer all though.
  20. I would suggest easy green like you mentioned above. I don't see why more frequent yet smaller doses of easy green would be a problem, but I'm wondering why you dont want to use weekly dosing? I weekly dose with my aquariums and have had no problems.
  21. looks like a fungal infection. Try aquarium salt, if that doesn't work try Maracyn.
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