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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy this forum just as much as the fishlore forum!!
  2. did you hand draw them and upload them to a adobe platform, or did you draw it in your computer? I have been wanting to know how to do these edits as they truly are AWESOME!
  3. that would be very handy for when your big flake food container is nearly empty but you cant just stick your hand because it won't fit.
  4. don't feed for a few days then try feeding de-shelled peas see if that happens.
  5. My experiance is the exact oppisiate as @Larrimore the angelfish are the ones eating ANYTHING and are complete pigs and they probably wouldn't ever stop eating where as the rainbows I had just acted like anyother fish and wasn't to crazy about it. @Fish Folk defentley has you coverd in youtube videos to watch
  6. Its more for the experiance then the money, the money was just a bonus. I think it would be cool if the cherry shrimp had babies but its not the end of the world if they dont. I wanted to make sure that I could keep shrimp before setting up a red crystal shrimp tank that I have been wanting for a while. Because from my understanding the red crystas are from the Cardina genus so they don't take to flunctiations of water parameters as easily as cherrys might, mistake me if I'm wrong.
  7. I don't personally do it. This is to get rid of any hitch hikers or any potential parasites but I find that doing this maybe a bit over the top. To get a direct response from aquarium co-op email them:
  8. The Aquarium Co-op usb nano air pump is what I would reccomend, only if you live in the USA though: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/usb-nano-air-pump if you haven't bought a sponge filter yet I would recceomend the aquarium coop sponge filter https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/aquarium-co-op-coarse-sponge-filter If you don't live in USA I have used the the tetra whisper airpump https://www.amazon.ca/Tetra-77855-Whisper-Pump-100-Gallon/dp/B000A0PYQK/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiArvX_BRCyARIsAKsnTxObcmOGwHaL-K8grqTzJ9tZD8Z3wA5ZdsvrC9ouEIiIXUgy8mEwk50aAp0cEALw_wcB&hvadid=208336255372&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9001187&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=327340245856348127&hvtargid=kwd-303859536958&hydadcr=20822_9424287&keywords=tetra+whisper+air+pump&qid=1610496987&sr=8-1&tag=googcana-20 By the name of the product it makes it seem quiet, I can assure you its not. I have a towel wrapped around it to muffel the sound, it works well. If your doing shrimp I would reccomend some moss or some monte carlo for the shrimp to hide in, the betta may try to snack on a few.
  9. if the betta had symptoms I would wait a few weeks (one maybe two) or just drain the tank down and let everything dry. draining the tank is probably the better way to do it. But if you don't have a place for the snails to go just wait a few weeks.
  10. did the betta die randomly, or was he experiancing symptoms before hand and then died? As far as the QT tank do you have cycled filter media from another tank? if so, put the media in the filter your using for the QT tank. If you don't I would leave the treating of the kuhli loaches, if they seem to be eating and are healthy chances are they wont have any parasites.
  11. Here is something I have been working on, I plan to do it with all my angelfish. I haven't decided what I want to print on, I was thinking a cool metal pannel but I have also thought of a shirt or a hat. This guys a koi angel, he was one of the first fish I ever got and is probably one of if not my favorite (shhh... you cant tell the rest of my fish I have favorites)
  12. Show me your fish art! It doesn't have to be somethig your drew, It could be something you bought online.
  13. agree with @Colu use salt, if that doesn't work you can always use maracyn
  14. lucky bamboo, just make sure the leaves are above the water
  15. how much salt are you dosing? try 3 teaspoons a gallon.
  16. Yes tetras would get along with each other. different kinds of tetras won't school with eachother though. All though I have heard that the Neon Tetra, the Black Neon Tetra and the Green neon tetras all school together, I guess its because they are all the same kind of tetras. And I've heard of a neon tetra schooling with a group of cardinal tetras. All though for the most part tetras won't school with other kind of tetras. Yes tetras and rasboras will get along. So for example: (I'm not saying you need 3 different schools) -7 Cardinal Tetras -7 Rummynose Tetra -7 Serpae Tetras This way the cardinals will school together, the rummynose wil school together and the serpae tetras will school toegther.
  17. I would do eurthormycin, you already have it and it should work for bacterial infections.
  18. looks like a female to me, can we see the male? Also feeding them high protein foods like frozen blood worms may help with them to start breeding
  19. Seems fine to me all though I would be concernd of the barbs and the apistogramma. I dont know for sure but the barbs maybe fin nippers and apistogrammas have long fins, look more into that. Also make sure you have a lid with 0 holes because the killifish will jump out of any hole.
  20. can you send us a picture of the pair, maybe as you said before their both males or both females. Also heres a video aquarium co-op and master breeder dean did on breeding Apistogramma
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