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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. You dont need to do a waterchange till there is nitrites in your tank. Usually thats once a week, but its different with every tank. But I agree with @JettsPapawhen in doubt, do a waterchange. It doesn't hurt. To treat a bacterial infection you don't need every med of the med trio just one. Use the Mardel Maracyn to treat bacterial infections.
  2. I beleive dwarf hair grass is a carpeting plant, spread it out through out your gravel
  3. Here are some algae eaters Snails Siamies Algae Eaters Bristlenose Pleco
  4. I would say no. They wouldn't school/ shoal together but only with their specific species. All though I have heard you could do: 3 albino corydoras and 3 Bronze Corydoras and they will shoal togeher because they are both aneus corydoras. So the Albino Corydora is simply just the albino version of the bronze corydora.
  5. What a interesting project. What I would have said was what @Daniel excpet that he went way more in depth. This is such a cool project, I wish you were my highschool biology teacher, lol. Not only will this educate your students but it could bring some of them into the fishkeeping hobby 🙂.
  6. Cory has a playlist on his youtube about breeding for profit: Fun fact this playlist is actually how I found the co-op channel. If I had to choose any guppies it would be either the Tuxedo Guppies or the Panda Guppies, but thats only because I like their looks.
  7. The aquarium co-op usb nano air pump will work great for your spongefilters all though you would need six of the air pumps. Overall it will cost you $60 + tax and shipping. They are very quite and can be hung from your tank with the clip it comes with which makes it even quiter. The liear piston air pump is also a great air pump, I've never tried it but I have great things about it. I have also heard of it being very quite. The only probelm you may have with is its $260 (I think) so its not the most budget freindly airpump.
  8. I'm not sure. But what I can tell you is that there is no reason to be sorry for posting more then once. We are more then happy to answer any questions you may have. Post as many times as you want, as long as its not spam.
  9. If you only have a few tanks heres what I would do: Get buckets, and put the fish in them. Get a battery powerd air pump or the usb nano air pump from aquarium co-op this will create oxygen for the fish in the buckets. You can plug the usb nano air pump into a battery pack or if your car has a "charging station for phone" Drill holes in the lid, and place the lid on the bucket.
  10. my upside down catfish made a bed underneath my sponge filter. They dug a little hole underneath it.
  11. Welcome to the forum! I say use the home depot buckets for waterchanges because then you can use the 3 gallon as another aquarium
  12. That betta is so gorgeous cant wait to see him in his new tank!!
  13. Aquarium salt should work for this. Seems like clamped fins. But to be sure what are your water parameters?
  14. When I quarintine all my fish I don't medicate them unless I know if their sick. Unless they are wildcaught then I will treat for internal parasites and worms. I would suggest the same method, quarintine for 4-6 weeks and only medicate when needed. Chance are you won't need to treat them.
  15. Yeah guppies would work. I wouldn't want to breed them in that tank, so 3 males or 3 females not both.
  16. I wouldn't do a flowerhorn in a 40 unless it was a short boddied flowerhorn. But a 50 gallon would be okay for a flowerhorn. Some good wetpets: -Pea Puffers, Figurate Puffer, Schotdeni Puffer, Potato Puffer, dragon puffer, Green spotted puffer -Fancy Goldifsh
  17. valisenaria looks really good as the background plant in my opinion
  18. Rummynose Tetras are great schooling fish! Some good centerpeice fish are: -Angelfish (My abosloute favorite) -Apistogramma -German Blue Ram
  19. One of my favorites is a betta and neon tetras. I like how the betta will sometimes "school" with the neons.
  20. I spell it like nerite snails. If your looking for where aquahuna.com has some great selection
  21. I can answer some of the question but not all of them 1) I start to fertilize the very first week I get them, and I have had no problems 3) I would put the gouramis in last as they are most aggressive. If you are feeding your algae eaters it shouldn't be an issue 4) This seems like a mixed topic on the internet, but I don't quarintine my first batch of fish. All though if there is a illness outbreak remove the fish from the display tank to the QT tank to treat, 5) I quarintine fish for 4 weeks, and I have had no problems, but the longer your QT process is the safer 6) Yes, you can feed them repashy, special shrimp pellets, cucumber, zuchinni 7) it depends on what meds your treating with some are plant safe and some aren't. Usaully I don't risk it and just medicate in a totally other tank with 0 plants.
  22. guppy grass is called guppy grass for a reason, great for little baby fry to hide in and it grows really fast! My favotite Guppies are the tuxedo koi guppy or the panda guppy, but there are so many other varients to choose from!
  23. Do waterchanges weekly not every other day. I get why your doing it, but in order for the cycle to start you need amonia in it. Also keep in mind the cycle takes like 4-6 weeks to complete by itself, but the fish should speed up that process as they will cause a source of amonia.
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