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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Depends what you want to do witht he guppies and shrimp. If your looking to breed the guppies, I would put the rasboras witht he shrimp. If your looking to breed the shrimp, the rasboras may eat the baby shrimp, all though it probably depends on the batch of rasboras.
  2. I run two HOB filters in my community tank, one for my QT tank and the other as the "main" filter. works fine for me.
  3. Emerald Rasboras can be fin nippers, I would try aquarium salt and it should help
  4. Welcoem to the forum! Those rummynose are stuning!
  5. I have made it a "holiday" that on dec26th it is get new fish day. I guess its the day of the year with the biggest discounts. They won't get to see their friends till 4 weeks after (cause of QT) so it will be a little late.
  6. Its probably swimmers bladder. Swimmers Bladder can be caused by a few things: -Overfeeding -Bacterial Infection -Born with it (very, very unlikely). Because you fed pees to your goldfish, its probably a bacterial infection. Meds like, API Melafix, parizquantel may work. i have only treated swimmers bladder when the cause is overfeeding, so i'm not sure, but anti-bacterial infection meds may work. I have heard of swimmers bladder being very difficult to treat when its a infection.
  7. I wouldn't do the mollies or guppies, Mollies maybe. But guppys no, the betta may mistake them as another betta. As far as corydoras there isn't a lot that will handl a 8.2 ph, but heres a list: -Bronze Corydoras -Albino Anues Corydora Most like it at 7 ph. In my experiance corydoras don't really help with algae, so if you want algae control get the ottos. Doing a waterchange will help lower the copper. If you were to do corydora I would do 4 or 6 of them. Ottos also 4-6 of them. Another Idea is to have 6 neon tetras with your betta. They won't help with algae but looks gourgoues. -6 Neon Tetras -1 betta -4-6 Corydoras/ Ottos.
  8. Deworming is part of the trio, is it not? If they have all been through to med trio, why deworm them again?
  9. they haven't been eating, at the LFS they said that eat EVERYTHING, wondering if i should just give it time, or feed them something else. I have sinking pellets and they wont come out for that.
  10. Well, I went to the fish store and bought a fish I had only heard of but never really thought of keeping it! I went to the fish store to get corydoras and came out with upsidedown catfish. They annoy my angelfish a bit, but hopefully this will change overtime. These guys are super fat, and eat EVERYTHING! Does anyone have any experiance owning the upsidedown catfish? I don't usaully impulse buy, but... the guy at my fish store seemed very knowledgeable and I know their policy is "fish first". So far I have loved seeing these guys swim, and scare me because I think their dead.
  11. Welcome to the forum! Beautiful plant growth and tank setup.
  12. I'm not a african cichlid guy so in terms of your stocking, i don't know. What I can say is that the fx4 is okay for 75 gallon. fx4s are actually meant for like a 200 gallon, so interms of filtration your all set.
  13. I have an air pump with two places to add airline hsoing, one spits out lots of air and the other not so much air.
  14. I wouldn't put them on meds, just have them in QT till they show symptoms of disease. Feed them tonight, fry don't last awhile without food.
  15. agree with the paccu should have permits, they get HUGE!!!!!!
  16. Your ntirtrites and amonia are a bit high, they should be at 0. When did you stock this tank? when did you get the dead fish?
  17. 1) The spongefilter can bother me, it depends on the aquarium 2) If the aquaclear could turn back on by itself after a power outage. 3) I clean my filters once every other week during water changes. 4) I soak and squeeze the sponge and media in dirty tank water 5) Carbon, sponge, AquaClear Bio Max 6) add a prefilter and sometimes add more media then supposed to
  18. salt works miracles, try that. macaryn would work to and possibly eurhtomycin.
  19. Adding a different light won't fix your algae problem. I would try to siphon some of the hair algae out, turn down your lighting schedule, so if your lights are on for 12hrs a day turn it down to 8-10 hrs a day, if your lights are on at 10 hrs a day turn them down to 8 hours a day. Amano shrimp will help eat your algae.
  20. when treating fish I just remove the filter media and add an air stone. I have never used an under gravel filter, so I dont know how easy it is to remove the media, If you can remove the media do that and an air stone. If you can't turn it off and add a airstone
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