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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Anyways I made the drive up to Calgary, Alberta to visit the mountains during christmas (its about a 14hr drive). It was fun to see how Manitoba being the flatest part of the world (we only have one hill that was man made we call it "garbage hill" it was a old garbage dump, but is now a tobaggon hill) to Calgary where the streets aren't plowed and there aren't just hills but there are mountains. Anyways here are some photos from our visit: Ever since the Pandemic we haven't been able to do anything like this. We went for the odd hike but it was in Manitoba where the most beautiful thing you'll see is a tree. I forgot how beautifull these mountains really are. Because of Lake Louise (the most icnoic spot in canada) being frozen over we were able to walk on it and see more of a close up. We were only here for a few days but truly something to remember. Any Albertans out there?
  2. I would wait till the tail is healed completly, also up your waterchanges as it will only help with the treatment of finrot and may speed the process up. As of what to do with the tank, heres what I do: -Drain tank completly -Remove filter and place in a established aquarium with fish, this will help keep the de-nitrifiyng bacteria alive. (let the filter completly dry out for 24hrs so that its not carrying out any diseases over to other fish) -Then when you want to set the tank back up simply fill it up and place the filter back in. You can also leave filled up, just sprinkle in some fish food every two days to keep the de-nitrifying bacteria alive
  3. the root tabs probably were not causing the amonia but the tank sounds like its in the middle of its cycle. Test your tap water and make sure you don't have any amonia in the tap water. No, this happends natrually, to speed up the nitrogen cycle you can add a source of amonia but it is not mandatory for the cycle to begin.
  4. Welcome to the forum, there are pleanty of experiance aquarists where you can learn lots from.
  5. I have monte carlo as a carpeting plant with no co2, works fine for me. Agree with @Brandy you have lots of options. Anubius, Swords, Cryptocorynes, any floating plants, moss, and LOTS more
  6. Any kind of ditherfish -Danios (As you mentetion) -Harlequin Rasboras (As you mentetion) -Rummy Nose Tetra and litterley any other kind of tetra -Celestrial Pearl Danios I don't know if I would do mollys as I have heard they can be abit aggressive
  7. Are you talking about runing water to a floor drain. If so thats how I do waterchanges on some of my tanks and I haven't had any problems.
  8. your fish don't care about algae, infact in their wild habitat they have LOTS of algae. Its up to you, do you like the looks of it or do you hate it and want it gone?
  9. wow, thats a lot of bala sharks! Yes you will be overstocked. I wouldn't do the tetras because of all the sharks the gourami and the tiger barbs all are very aggressive fish, especially not the black skirts as they have some "longer" fins, they may be nipped off by the sharks, gourami or tiger barbs. I would only do one school of tiger barbs.
  10. it looks really stressed to me, his colors are faded and he has the stress stripe
  11. it has the colors of a pearl gourami but it has the shape of a honey gourami, therfore its probably a honey gourami.
  12. you could have murphy imprinted on the bread
  13. I reuse the plastic bags my fish come home in from the fish store, they are always a good thing to keep as you'll never know when you'll need them, from transporting your fish from tank to tank, from friend to friend or if you decide to breed fish and want to bring babies to the fish store. I am currently toying around with a plasitc plant pot to see if I can use it as a "frozen fish feeder" (idk what they are called, but you put your cube of frozen blood worms in the pot so that that cube can defrost and your fish can ALL eat them, not just the pig of tank) Dean has one is his fish room that he made. Anyways, I was thinking of getting a plastic mesh and wrapping it over the pot, will let you guys know if it works 🙂
  14. Amazon Frog Bit Duckweed (be careful there is a reason why "weed" is in its name)
  15. all out of reactions for today, but those are really gourgoues angels
  16. Whether its tiny little Neon Tetras or GIANT Clown Loaches, what are your favorite schooling/ shoaling fish? Here are mine: Schooling: Cardinals or Rummynose Tetras Shoaling: Corydoras
  17. I agree with @Colu salt will do wonders on external issues. With you being in Canada meaning that fish meds are limited salts the best med.
  18. battery powerd air pumps or the aquarium co-op usb nano air pump. you can plug the usb into a battery pack.
  19. I like the tetras idea I think they would look really nice in that tank, Cardinal Tetras to be exact. But CPDs would look great in that setup. I might go with the CPDs.
  20. agree with @Streetwise always nice to see these lists even though we know we probably won't be getting our hands on them. Its cool to see what you guys have vs what my lfs has. For example in Manitoba (Canada) hatchet fish are rare because the stores cant get their hands on them anymore. I can see that you guys have hatchetfish now and it seems to not be a problem in the USA.
  21. yes @quirkylemon103 WE NEED A LIFE SIZE MURPHY PLUSH!!!
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