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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Yes a 29 will be fine for one green spot puffer. All puffers except for pea puffers need a hard crustaition to help with their growing teeth that never stops. You can feed them, snails, clams on a half shell etc. They will accept frozen blood worms, and other frozen foods (for the most part)
  2. I feed all my fish one a day, usually in the morning. Saturday - Thursday Quality Pellets Friday - Frozen Foods Soon I wanna buy fluval bug bites to add into this rotation
  3. Just got the fluval spec 5 gallon, i plan to do a monte carlo carpet, some amazon frogbit and some dragon stone at the center of the tank. I will be stocking this with a betta (i am on the looks for an all white one). Anyways, I have two places/positions in mind and I cant figure out which one I like, so I thought "lets let the nerms decide". Both places are on my desk. NUMBER ONE: NUMBER TWO
  4. Do a waterchange. Your nitrate is fine, anything above 20ppm is not good.
  5. Okay I'm curious how many people talk to their fish, I do all the time!!
  6. Feeding the fish to another fish. I have culled a few shrimp when they dont have the traits I'm looking for by feeding it to my angelfish or peapuffer.
  7. both the pea puffer and the betta are great ideas. I havent done a pea puffer, but they are super cute and would love to do it sometime. Bettas are gourgous and have quite the persanlity, if you do a betta you could add other tank mates with him. like neon tetras, cpd, shrimp (depends on the betta). where as if you do a pea puffer, thats probably all you could do, maybe 2 pea puffers though.
  8. I would not put bettas with either gouramis or angelfish. Gouramis are fin nippers, and angelfish can be farily aggressive at times. You will have to rehome the clown loaches within the next few years if you choose to keep them, they get really big. The ottos will do fine in the 46 along with the neons and corys
  9. some really cool tetras would be cool. Rummynose are great schooling fish, and its such a joy to watch them Cardinal Tetras/ Neon Tetras can have really vibrant colors, and I love them Betta, I know you wanted samller fish but you could do a bunch of rummy nose, cardnials and neons and do one betta. He could be the feature fish. if you choose on a betta you will want to make sure it has a good temperement, and none of the tetras are fin nippers, all the tetras I am reccomending are not. now back to smaller fish Celestrial Pearl Danios, or just Danios in general
  10. Leave your sponge filter in the tank and continue treating till you dont see any signs of ich.
  11. the best way to get rid of amonia and nitrite is to not use prime but do a quick small waterchange. As far as how it was caused, i dont know. It could be anything, or just a coincednce that you added live plants right before the amonia and nitrite went up a bit. Also, just a quick side note. If you click "quote" right underneath the response to this response and others as well, and click "quote one post" at the bottom corner the person who wrote the response will be notified. Otherwise, they wont knoy you responded to them.
  12. Hey all, I am wanting to setup a 5 gallon shrimp tank. I relize that you cant do any filter why shrimp, as it needs to be "shrimp safe". I was wondering if anyone had any experiance with the following filters, and if they could tell me if it would be okay for red crystal shrimp or red cherry shrimp: Fluval Chi Filter Aqueon Minnibow Aquarium I dont have any eperiance with fish so all help and suggestions are much appreaciated
  13. Merry Christmas Everybody, stay safe and enjoy yourselves!! see you guys in the chirstmas co-op livestream?? (maybe, if its happening)
  14. only thing I would do is add more corys like 2 more, they like to have friends. And make sure the platys are either all males or all females. But no your tank is not overstocked.
  15. It just so happend that "Frozen Food Friday" fell on christmas, I guess their getting blood worms tommorow! Merry Christmas #fishfam!!
  16. aquarium co-op has a map to locate fish clubs near you, heres a link: Aquarium Co-Op WWW.AQUARIUMCOOP.COM
  17. aquarium salt should help that
  18. it seems like quite the series. I think a 5 part would be better, but maybe thats because I want to see the final result of the turtle tank sooner lol.
  19. I would use aquarium salt before any other med, salt works wonders for me and can help with any external issue.
  20. its just algae, nothing to worry about. It is completely harmless to your fish. You can just scrub it off. You can also get snails that will eat all that algae up and anymore algae that may come in the future.
  21. a few ft, like one or two. I think they should be fine in 700 gallons, assuming you only got like 1-3 koi.
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