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  1. Hi, I am looking Into getting an LED lights for a planted tank that's 48" x 24" with the height close to 36" (which is really tall). Obviously with a tall aquarium I am concern on the brightness of the lights that I need especially for a planted tank (substrate will probably around 4.5" depth). I've tried looking into what others in the hobbies do with their tanks and I am finding it a bit hard to find anyone with a similar set up (a tall tank). The general consensus is that the height will definitely impact the light penetration. As such I have been looking at various lights' lumens values and what confuses me is that all the high-end or Pro WRGB LED lights lumens figures that I could find max at around 5,000-8,000lm (depending on which brand). On the other hand, full spectrum LED lights which from what I research are more for the plants with medium intensity requirement has higher lumens value (around 12,000-17,000lm) than the lights designed for high-light intensity plants such as Plant Fluval, Chihiros WRGB Vivid, etc. So I am confused how to strike a balance between having enough penetration (using the lumen value) and still have WRGB feature to ensure specific wavelengths are available for photosynthesis & as nutrients, while trying to keep cost as low as possible. Am I missing something here or have I misunderstood it? I am fairly new to this hobby so please let me know, any help or input are welcome. My head is about to burst trying to make heads or tails of this matter. Cheers, Dee
  2. Hi everyone, I need some advice on scaping a 65 gallon tall. It is 24 inches tall. I would like to avoid using Val as I already have a tank with Val in it. Thoughts?
  3. I was given a 56 gallon column tank. It was previously a saltwater tank. I would like to use it for a planted tank. The equipment it came with was a reef light with t5 bulbs and 2 circulation pumps. I would like to make a tank that uses smaller leafed plants and small fish to make the tank appear large. I would love to hear some plant suggestions. I also would like to ask what bulbs I should get for the light. The tank is 24 inches deep. The light has a timer and the ability to turn on 2 bulbs at a time in case I should consider having different types of bulbs. Thanks for any suggestions!
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