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  1. I have been trying to help out with a turtle tank in one of our libraries. Yesterday, I donated a hang-on-back filter that came with a recent aquarium, and raised the water level to allow it to work, as well as the height of the sunning station. I built up the rock pile so the turtle could still rest out of water. This morning, I got a panicked voicemail from the librarian that the turtle was missing. He was later found in the next door maker space, and is back in the tank. I feel terrible, but relieved that he is ok. I don't have any plans to keep turtles myself, but I would appreciate any advice for how I could help out with this tank. Here are some photos from before this recent drama. Sam has one of those large Fluval internal filters, which I also cleaned yesterday, and I am thinking of donating my Eheim Classic 150 to this tank to help with filtering. I have been bringing in Duckweed, and will probably also bring in some Salvinia. Thanks (The thumbnail is a plastic turtle that I was pranked with by a colleague after telling the story.)
  2. I currently have my 5" Painted Turtle in a 55 Gallon Tank. I just acquired a 40 Breeder with a drilled overflow into a 30 gallon sump. I was thinking of switching the turtle to that tank. I know the swimming volume goes down a little but but I think the 40B footprint would be better and the addition of a sump would be much better for water quality. I just wanted to reach out to see if this seemed like a good idea.
  3. Got a nice 60 gallon tank planted up with some good ol aquarium co-op plants all ready to grow... Until my wife DEMANDED turtles... They have uprooted my Scarlett temple, eaten one Valisnaria and toppled a rock on the other, uprooted a sprig of Pogostemon and ate my dwarf baby tears. They nipped a piece of my water sprite as well but didn't eat it and have left the amazon sword, crypt, and Anubias alone. Sprite and Anubias are in easy planters. Are there any other good plants I can put in with these aho... I mean turtles. Something fast growing that will stay ahead of their appetite (they won't eat when we try feeding them) that will thrive in high ph 8.2-8.4 hard water 300ppm.
  4. hi! im setting up a 240 gallon turtle aquarium, and my original plan was to have a lot of cichlids with my turtle, such as 3 convicts, 4 severums, and a oscar,but my oscar sadly died due to a injury and i now want to do a tetra tank as i did not want to "replace" my oscar. i now have 30 silvertip tetras, with 4 serverums, and 3 convicts and a RES turtle. any ideas for more tetras with bold colors. BTW i have i 120 gallon sump as a filter thanks!
  5. hi! my name is varshil and i own a aquarium channel i'm doing a video series on making a 230 gallon turtle planted paludarium. the series consists of setting up the tank, setting up the fiteration, spending a few days boating to get some aquascape ideas, spending a few days camping to get ldeas for the land area scaping the aquarium, adding plants, and adding fish. if you were a regular aquarium YouTube viewer, would you rather see all of this in a 5 part series or a 10 part one. thanks!
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