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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. You can throw in some fish food in their to speed up the cycle.
  2. It is very common with tap water to have amonia in it. Its not harmful to humans (at least not a t 0.5ppm) but it is to fish. Seachem Prime will detoxify that amonia from the tap. I don't know how well though as I have never had to try. And I beleive chlorimine is amonia and chlorine together.
  3. I think it really depends on the betta. A good test is to buy a cheap cherry shrimp and make sure the betta isn't a shrimp eater before investing in a bunch of cherry shrimp. All though I would be surprised if she didn't eat the shrimp babies.
  4. I wouldn't do shrimp the betta may look at it as a snack. Snails would be a good idea and so would some ottocinlous. Bristlenose Pleco would be an alirght choice. Persanolly I would do the ottos.
  5. Here is the project I was talking about above (see the first post):
  6. who would have known you could tell bees apart, thats really cool. Is their a bee communtiy online?
  7. I name the ones with the most personality. When I first started keeping fish ALL fish needed names, until I started keeping tetras where I couldn't tell them apart.
  8. also I beleive cory has 3 fluval 3.0s on his 800 gallon which I think is 40ish" tall, so 18 inches will be no problem.
  9. Just thought of this now: The "Easy Doser" to go along with their "easy" line. It would be a automatic plant fertilizer doser. This would be helpful for big tanks because dosing can be a pain because of how much you need to put in and the fact that I need a alaram on my phone to tell me to dose my tanks otherwise I'll forget.
  10. The Nitrogen cycle is complete when their is nitrates in your water, what are your nitrates at? I like to have my nitrates at 10-20ppm before adding fish. Yes you should be fertilizing I would suggest the Aquarium Co-op Easy Green: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/easy-green-all-in-one-fertilizer You said that the cryps are a bit pale they are nictorius for dying back, wondering if the leaves are yellow? What light are you using?
  11. I have a nicrew light runing on a 16 inch deep tank and its growing plants just fine, and I'm sure two inches deeper it would still work just fine. So a Fluval 3.0 would work great for a 18inch deep tank.
  12. Welcome to the forum, I hope you enjoy as much as I have!!!
  13. I've had that on my angelfish fins for a several months now and I haven't had any problems with it. So no I would say its not serious.
  14. Think of it as a cut on your arm, it will heal over time all though you may add some ant-bacterial cream to prevent from being infected. Your going to do the same with your betta, add salt not a riduculus amount just some salt and overtime it will heal.
  15. I feel like koi get so big that they aren't a "aquarium fish" but a "pond fish" because of how big of a tank they need. I would say 1000 gallons.
  16. Yes feed them again. Then do a waterchange. I have never used fritz zyme so I wouldn't know how much is too much. I can tell you this though... companys reccomended dose is usaully far less from the lethal dose. This is so a customer can't get mad at them for killing their fish because if their fish died they probably did more then the reccomended dose.
  17. lol so sorry. I got tablespoons and teaspoons mixed up again. try 2 tablespoons a gallon, see if that works. Also wait a week. After a week if no signs of improvement try Maracyn. It looks like a bacterial infection not parasites so I don't think API General Cure would work.
  18. agreed with everyone, salt should do the trick if it doesn't work after a week do Maracyn
  19. my previous name suggestion for the crab was from the tv show/ movie spongebob. My next name for the hillstream loach will be "Mr. Ray". Mr Ray is the teacher in finding nemo who is a stingray, since hillstream loaches are like smaller stingrays just less venemous.
  20. amazon frogbit will need moderate lighting. Nothing too fancy though.
  21. It will never hurt to put a plant in the tank especially flotating plants. Floating Plants are especially good at taking nutrients out of the water colum such as nitrates and phostphates, they are fast growing and are very easy to care for. All you have to do is plop and drop and you should be fine. The long roots may help for the baby fry to hide in all though you will need more plants then just floating plants to acheive this, try moss.
  22. as everyone else mentioned in this thread, keep it stable. Fluncuations of ph can cause stress. I keep my aquariums at 7.5ph
  23. Thats a sweet looking tank. I'm also a canadian, welcome to the forum!
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