Thanks. where are you planning on buying them from? I recommend Blackwater Aquatics but they are wild caught so they will be a little more sensitive to water changes and just to let you know any wild caught fish will try to breed once introduced to a new environment so be prepared. also this second pic I found is usually what the female looks like non breeding condition.
That is a male in breeding condition. You can control that by the temperature 72 °F thru 75°F isn't breeding temperature while 76°F thru 82°F is breeding temperature. unfortunately my female betta hendra has passed away and I did take pictures but I found some online that was extremely close. That is a female betta hendra in breeding condition
the female is has some of the color but is not as pronounced. if you want to get a pair try Blackwater Aquatics they are getting some more pairs next week. also if you want bettas where the female is just as colorful as the the male try betta rubra.
Sorry I didn't explain myself correctly, what I was trying to say if I have the eggs of the chromaphyosemion volcanum and I didn't submerged the eggs on the hatch date, and left them in peat for a few months. would theystill hatch.
Does anyone know how long do killifish eggs last after their incubation period in peat moss if the aren't hatched by the supposed hatch?
If anyone needs a few examples killifish like Chromaphyosemion volcanum Ekondo Titi or Aphyosemion Australe.