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  1. So I did a thing. I have created a Walstad shrimp jar. I followed her instructions here. I tried to find as many of the plants she used as I could, but I could not find the exact ones. I used Rosette sword, bacopa, and dwarf hairgrass. I added a piece of driftwood that has been in the fish tank a few months. It will provide biofilm and bacteria. I was going to add a piece of cholla wood, but there really wasn’t room once I added the hairgrass. The plants are more important. Since I changed my mind on the jar, my light would not fit on the lip. I improvised a solution. Hopefully the Iron Sheik does not mind too much. 😉 Next I am going to plug the light into a Christmas light timer. I have not added any critters yet, but the water I used is water from the shrimp tank. I had some extra hairgrass that I added to the shrimp tank and to Geppetto’s (betta) tank. My neighbor has some bladder snails. Perhaps I will add one or two to this jar. I also hope to add floating plants.
  2. New to the forum! I have 4 cherry shrimp in my 1.5 gallon shrimp jar. I started out with two, I hope they don't breed again, I would run out of space. 😃 I'm @Just a Pygmy Corydora's sister, and you can also follow her betta tank. I forgot what type of plant I have in my jar, but I think it was dwarf baby tears, but I forgot the other two.
  3. Hey all! So... I bought some preserved peaches from Costco and it came in this big oval jar that was too nice to just throw away (roughly 0.6 to 0.7 gallon). So naturally, I do the logical thing all of us do with empty containers and imagine what it would look like if I stuffed some substrate, plants, and animal life in it... Jarquarium! I want to do full biological filtration as the jar isn't big enough and I am not handy enough to rig any mechanical filtration devices. I know you would need a lot of plants if you go this route, but I don't know what "a lot" would constitute. I've got a small sword, an anubias nana, and some baby dwarf tears already present (thanks Coop!). I'd like to add some sort of animal life to the jar, but I don't think I would be able to sustain anything more than maybe one shrimp or a couple of snails. Can anyone give me an idea of your own experiences with such a set up and what level of plant life you used and the corresponding amount of animal life you were/are able to sustain? If needed, my wife grows a lot of sweet potato vines and I could always plop one of those on top as well. I just don't want to snuff out any critters due to lack of O2. Also, if you have done this, any tips on how to put in root tabs without absolutely tearing up the mini-scape? Those root tabs are so light and airy they break out of the substrate and float to the top, but to get them deep usually ends up uprooting the plants. 😥 Thanks to everyone as usual!
  4. This thread is dedicated to my jar aquariums. I plan to gift many of these to friends & family. I may continue to do these in the future if people enjoy them enough to be willing to pay for them. It's not something I've done before; if you have suggestions, questions, explanations for things, or constructive criticisms then you can leave a comment and I will promptly reply! Attached to this post is a photo of two jar aquariums I've established, as well as the devices that help them work. At the bottom of the glass near the gravel is a 1/4" hole I've drilled. I've received 1/4" PVC elbows which fit your typical 3/16" flexible airline tubing. As shown in the pictures below, you will see how the elbow is tight up against the glass with a small piece of tubing poking through to the depths of the aquarium. I used gorilla glue epoxy with a 24hr set time to seal this joint at the hole. Attached to the other end of the elbow is a pipe that rests above water level with an elastic band holding it in place. From the elastic band I can release the pipe and hold it below the water's surface level to siphon debris & dirt that may accumulate at the bottom. Nifty, huh? Inside the larger aquarium are Anubias Conogensis and Egeria Densia, as well as three baby red shrimp. Inside the smaller aquarium is just Egeria Densia. Beneath a shallow top layer of clear-crushed construction gravel is grass seed I've received off Amazon (fingers crossed). The seeds were planted on top of a mixture of soil from the garden and clear crush gravel. The mixture of soil is the most dense at the bottom at about 50G/50S, and the least dense at the top 70G/30S. I've taken water from my established guppy tank with a pH of around 7.8; it has very low ammonia/nitrite/nitrate levels. It's worth mentioning again that I appreciate any feedback/suggestions you may have. I'm watching my jar aquariums adamantly while I wait for the carpet seeds to poke through. On a side note, I've decided to wet start these seeds by my own curiosity, and because I grew a bit impatient growing them in a small container =P
  5. We have friends! I set up 2 more jars. Well... PARTIALLY set up. Awaiting some plants, and I need to order one more I want to use in one of the setups. Both are about a gallon each. #1 contains quartz rock with driftwood and an Anubias nana (that I might replace with a nana petite when I can order one). I want to add Java moss to this one, and I'm going to put a miniature version of Arrowhead vine that will grow out of the top in the background. I'm giving serious consideration to breaking the largest rock that's in there, but I'm waffling. #2 contains basalt rock that's common in our area, along with black fluorite gravel and sand combo. Also contains a single piece of knotty driftwood I fell in love with and a Java Fern. I plan to put more plants in, but I'm not sure yet what I want to add. It's only about 8" tall, with the water at about the 6.5" mark, so I'd like to stick with plants that stay smaller. Any suggestions for low-light plants?
  6. I am trying to grow Java moss for profit is sunlight mason jars. I decided to put a rams horn snail in one to see if that helps. This could be a terrible idea and end up in a mess of algae, but I decided to give it a try. Let me know your thoughts about this please. I will try to give weekly updates. Merry Christmas!
  7. Anyone else do jar tanks? I started this one a few weeks ago, current inhabitant is one nerite named Jason Momoa 😂 I know filters aren't typically used, but I'm being cautious as I do want to add shrimp. Trimmings from my "big" 10g tank are pretty happy in there! And a random petco mossball that needs some reshaping.
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