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  1. Marc, Thanks for the great info. I am going to use your suggestion of a couple hours to acclimate. James had made a similar suggestion. My water parameters are usually 7.6 PH and hard water. I just took a chance and ordered more corys from Aqua Huna. I did have pretty good luck with them. I had an order of pepper corys from there a few months ago and 100% survived. My last order was from another supplier which the death rate has been huge. 16 out of 26 fish dead. (all corys but 1) James, I actually have used different suppliers, but I think I will not try Pandas for a while. I did have one of the tetras dead this morning and another pygmy. So I have 3 of 10 pygmy cory left. I am hoping these 3 live. If they get out of QT I have a family of 2 pygmy they can live with. 🙂 Thanks too both of you for the suggestions. I have only been doing this since August and already have (2) 55 gal; (1) 37 gal; (2) 6.5 gal betta tanks and a couple hospital/QT tanks. My husband says no more. Karen
  2. Thanks. I like the idea of a longer acclimation. I was also thinking of possibly a separate tank for them if I purchase other fish at the same time. What family of corydoras did you get.? I read that some are more fragile than others. Again thanks so much for "talking" with me. It always upsets me when my fish die. Not just the $ spent, but the fact that they were probably living healthy, happy till they were shipped to me. 🙄
  3. The tetras and mollys are doing fine. And I have 4 nerite snails in there.
  4. On the shipment I received Tuesday, 100% of my Panda Cory are all dead and out of my 10 Pygmy I have 4 left. I have them in 10 gal. QT with 5 penguin tetra and 3 balloon molly.
  5. I have had 4 mail orders of Corys from 3 different reputable companies and most of my corys die. Ist order, Panda Corys -2 arrived DOA, 2 died that night and 2 lived 2nd order, 6 Panda Corys, within 24 hours 3 dead (net 3). 6 pygmy corys, 2 DOA, 2 dead within 48 hrs, (net 2) 3rd order, 8 Panda Corys, 4 DOA and 4 dead within 24 hours, (net 0) 10 pygmy corys..4 dead within 24 hours. (net 6) Others still alive right now. Petsmart trip - 8 Pepper corys, 3 DOA when I got home, 2 dead within 24 hrs - 3 survived. QT all new fish. 10 gal. Tank is solid and cycled. I have lost so much money in Corys, it disheartening. I am trying to put together a cory family of 6 for each of my 55 gal tanks. One tank has 2 poor lonely cory's and one tank has 3. 😒 Any suggestion besides my husband's "stop buying them".
  6. Rubbing on bottom of tank, laying on bottom of tank, not really moving. Possible pop eye. He has been with me about 3 months, however, this group was never QT'd. I did not know about that at the time. I have given him the trio (Ichx, Maracyn, Paracleanse in my hospital tank. I did a 30% water change on Friday and chemical water checks yesterday and all good. Just noticed this AM, I drink my coffee in front of tank and always try to check that everyone is present and ok. Just worried about his tank mates. 55gal. tank. Thanks. any suggestions appreciated.
  7. If I have a sick Molly fish and remove him from community tank to hospital tank, should I put any type of "treatment" into the community tank to make sure nothing is spread? Thanks
  8. Thanks, Cory passed. No others were affected. I am keeping a very close eye on this
  9. Do you think I should treat the whole tank,? Is this contagious to the other fish? I listed tank mates above, or should I wait to see if I get anymore with the same symptoms. The water conditions are all good. I am checking every few days and do approx. 30% water change on Fridays. 67 years old and all this is new. learning by what seems to be lots of mistakes. 😕 again, thanks so much.
  10. I found one of my Panda Cory's dead this morning, Had a red blotch or injury on his left side. Seemed fine yesterday. I check tank daily since I have had a few other Cory issues. Not sure if I should do a preventative dose of meds or if this was an injury. I have lost 3 Panda's from this shipment. One arrived dead, one died of fungus and now this - red blotch death. Tank parameters are all great. Water change on every Friday. 55gal tank. Tank mates: 6 honey gourami, 9 Harlequin Rasboro, 7 molly, 2 mystery snail, and 4 (-1 now) Panda Cory. I did the trio in QT, did Paracleanse on week3 and did Maracyne and IckX when fungus happened. All other fish seem ok.
  11. I lost my battle with my Panda Cory, finally able to remove him from group tank yesterday and put him in isolation. This AM he was like a fuzz ball, dead. I still have 4 Panda, 4 Pygmy and 9 very small Harlequin Rasbora in the 55 community tank he came out of. No other sick fish. I had treated yesterday with Maracel and Ickx (whole tank). Do I clean the whole tank? Large water change? Thanks,
  12. On 11-6 received my shipment of fish, 6 Panda corys includes, Along with tetras. Treated QT tank on 11-6 with trio for QT. 11-16 used Paracleanse, 11-20 noticed what look liked cotton on cory fin, researched and discovered, its a fungus 11-20 water change, clean, and treated tank with Maracel & Ichx. 11-23 - As of today, no other fish with fungus, but I can still see it on the Cory, not sure what to do next, wait till Friday (my usual tank clean/water change day or do another treatment. Any advise would be appreciated. I am new to this, learning and making lots of mistakes 😒
  13. I did not quarantine on my first stock of fish, didn't realize that I should,. Part molly's and part tetra's have been with me for about 4 weeks all in the same 55 gal tank. So far they all look ok. Some bought at Petco, some via on line. All the chemical stats on the tank are great. This is my first tank and my first experience with fish. My question: Should I do the 3 step meds process just to be safe? Thanks
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