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Found 12 results

  1. Why aren't US natives more popular? I want to know how to care for these fish and maybe where to find them? Would love to see what natives everyone keeps. Bluenose Shiner, Speckled Madtom, Mountain Redbelly Dace, Tangerine Darter, Bridle Shiner, and the candy darter.
  2. How many of you have this problem? I’ll agonize over a a few extra extra bucks for whatever new piece of gear I need, or go the diy route to save another few, but then walk out of the store with $100 (or more!) in plants or fish and feel totally great about it.
  3. Hey Everyone! Very general question, I was wondering what your favorite fishkeeping related deals are that you think more people in the hobby should know about. This is very broad and could be a special sale that happens at a specific store or online, best "bang for your buck" for fishkeeping items (filter media, substrate, etc.), or literally anything else you think applies! Looking forward to your tips, Brayden
  4. Recommended by Fish Folk (thanks soo much) here at CARE, I want to add a school of Odessa Barbs to my 75 gallon tank I have set up. Currently the tank has 6 Tiger barbs and 6 Serpae Tetra, both juveniles. I want minimum of 10 Tiger Barbs and 8 Serpae, the tank should be able to handle another school of fish. So my dilemma, do I wait and try to buy 8 unsexed Odessa Barbs at $16.25/each (including shipping) from Greg Sage at Select Aquatics, he is very profession and clearly knows what he is doing or just say frack it and buy them from PetCo who has a tank full of unsexed Odessa Barbs for $7/each. This is not a support you local breeder issue, it seems the demand for Mr. Sage's barbs far exceeds supply and based on his comments, he supports the mass breeding of this fish. My concern is the quality of the Odessa Barbs being breed at the fish farms. Mr Sage seems to be working hard on maintaining the brilliant colors of his line, I am unsure on what I will get from the PetCo fish. Note: I am trying to support our local Mom&Pop fish store but they seem to be living in the 1970's, clearly they are still old school. I asked about ordering some Odessa Barbs, a young employee wrote my name down in a quaint little notebook. I really have no clue if it will be feasible. Mark
  5. I think this has been mentioned on an old livestream but I can't remember which one or if I am thinking of Levamisole from Select Aquatics, but I'm wondering if there is a good/hobbyist source for MS-222 (to use for anesthetizing puffers to trim teeth). I'd like to have some in stock for future use. I've only found some online from a pond supply store, but no where else, and the dosages available at the pond supply store are overkill. I suppose I could also ask my vet, but just wondering if there are any hobbyist sources. Thanks in advance!
  6. I've had so much fun with my tank so far that my mom decided to buy one for my dad for his birthday. I started with all Tetra brand products -- heater (which already broke), flake food, chemicals like safe start, aquasafe, easy balance (I still don't know what that one does). My question is, what are your top recommendations for what I should put in my dad's care package to get him started? What would be in your survival kit?
  7. I was just at the store today and noticed a few Aqueon tanks + stands on display for sale in the window. I never noticed it before, so I'm not sure if this is new, but is the co-op an Aqueon distributor now? I ask because I've been trying to figure out how to order some of the larger Aqueon tank sizes that you don't often find stocked in stores like Petsmart/Petco, and I'm hoping that might be something I could special order through you guys? If not, I guess this is also a pretty good place to ask where people around here get their larger showpiece tanks? I'm looking for the 125 at a minimum, but I would just want the tank (not the whole stand kit that you sometimes find at Petsmart). Ideally I would want a 150 or even 180/210 for the space I have in my living room but I've almost given up trying to find them!
  8. My wife thinks my online spending habits have gotten crazy since quarantine but i don't buy things unless i or my pets need them.
  9. what is the usual Survival rate after new fishes are delivered on an online order, like through ebay or aquabid or aquahuna. any experiences.
  10. Hello everyone, I am planning to soon buy 6 discus from Uncle Sam's tropical fish. Does anyone know how US delivers their fish during winter?. . .or how most other sellers deliver? Thanks!
  11. @CoryI know promoting the coops competition is against the rules except for a few exceptions like the dollar per gallon sale. Would there be a similar exception for Black Friday deals? I'd imagine the effects on your sales would theoretically be limited because the deals are for a very limited time and ircc the coop doesn't have a Black Friday sale. I wanted to check before starting one. Also is there a way to DM a user on the forum? I would have asked privately if I could figure out how.
  12. I have looked and didn't see my question although I am sure it's been asked so please excuse if so, I have no tank and am interested in getting started, what should I be looking for glass, or acrylic and can anyone suggest a online source? I live in a rural area with no shop. Thank you for any suggestions......Jerry
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