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  1. Thank you, that’s what I was thinking also.
  2. Hello everyone, I have a news 20 gallon long. I am thinking of putting live plants, 1 apisto, and a school for neon tetra. But I would like to have a group of Columbia’s tetras, by themselves. Does anyone have experience with the Colombians? I’m worried a 20 gallon long my be to small. so perhaps I’ll just go for the apisto , and smaller neon tetras. Any advise is appreciated, thanks Terry
  3. Thank you jettspapa for your help
  4. Hello everyone, I would like advice from you since you have more experience in fish keeping. I have a 20 gallon long, and want 5 or so diamond tetras, and 1 apisto. My filter will,be a sponge filter. is this too many fish for a 20 gallon long ? thank you terry
  5. Not sure which plants , but I want to replicate the area of South America since this is where the fish came from.
  6. Hello, i got my little niece addicted to fish tanks. I built her a 5 gallon planted tank with 1 betta, she loves it. Now i told her we will build another, she’s excited, but its really for me. Do you think a 20 gallon long with 1 apisto, and 3-4 diamond tetras and lots of plants is doable in a 20 gallon long ? Any info will be appreciated, thanks Terry
  7. Hello. I’m thinking of getting the fluval flora, the 14-15 gallon size , or getting a 20 gallon long , and getting my own sponge filter lights and what not. Does any one have an idea of which is better way to go ? thanks ,terry
  8. Thank you, I just ordered it. terry
  9. I’m setting up a new tank, and just bout an AquaClear 30, hang on the back filter. Which sponge filter should i get to attach to the inlet tube? I want to super charge the filtration with as much beneficial bacteria as possible. I saw this on one for Corys videos. Thanks,, Terry.
  10. Hello Will Billy : I have a sponge filter also.Cory mentioned wrapping it with a poly pad filter so as to polish the water before it enters the spong. I found an article on the website regarding this. thanks
  11. Thanks cory, what should I wrap it with ? Just cut open the poly gab and wrap it around the sponge filter ?
  12. Please let me know if this is a good idea. I have an extra air pump and stone. The tank is a little cloudy. I am thinking of getting the Polly pad , cutting it to size, and seal it around the air stone to polish my water. Should i throw it away when it gets dirty, or rinse and repeat since it should have beneficial bacteria. thank you all.
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