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Runs With Scissors

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  1. Sorry. Newbie error. I posted a picture of one of the fish as a thumbnail. This might help.
  2. I have 2 Harlequin rasboras that have each turned up with a tiny white speck on their lower lips. Water is changed weekly (25%). Gravel is vacuumed bi-weekly, at which time the spong filter also gets cleaned. Ammonia is 0, pH is steady from week-to-week at 7.2, nitrate (20 gallon planted tank) is steady at 20 ppm, temperature 77 degrees. The other 5 rasboras and their tank mates (5 ember tetras, and 3 albino corys) all look fine. Any idea what this might be?
  3. I purchased a male Betta last week. He's in my 10 gallon quarantine tank and will move to a 20 gallon community tank once quarantine ends. My question has to do with whether or not I actually need to worry about my Betta getting enough exercise. I've seen where you can buy mirrors to get them to flare as a way of creating a kind of fish workout. Given that my guy spends much of his day leisurely swimming from one end of his tank to the other, and given that he occasionally stops to flare at his reflection in the glass, do I really need to think about setting up a little fish gym? What say you, aquarist hive mind?
  4. I recently returned to fishkeeping after a 35-year hiatus. I began adding livestock to my 2 tanks in December. The tanks are planted. The 20 gal is a community tank whose occupants include 3 Kuhli Loaches, 3 Albino Corydoras, 7 Harlequin Rasboras, and 4 Golden Mystery Snails. They will be joined by 6 Ember Tetras currently in the 10 gal tank once they clear quarantine. I plan eventually to add a male Betta as a "feature fish" in the community tank. Aquarium Co-op's resources have been so helpful in making sure I do right by all the fish in my care. I look forward to many years as part of the AC community.
  5. Cory's video was very helpful. Thanks so much for pointing me in that direction!
  6. I have decided to preventatively administer the Aquarium Coop's Quarantine Trio to my Kuhli loaches before releasing them to my community tank. They're showing no signs of active infection. I keep seeing recommendations to use half doses when giving meds to scaleless fish. Is that correct? If so, do I give out twice as many doses over twice the recommended amount of time, or should I just stick with the same schedule as for other fish?
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