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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. Totally off-topic: this thread has some great info!
  2. Thanks! 😞 I blame some Endler females I got off a school fish WhatsApp group the other day. Vital lesson learned : always QT! Worst bit is I have no Ich-X
  3. My Endler population has been hit by Ich! 🤯 I left home this morning, all was fine and la-de-da : came back to 4 dead and all of my 15 or so remaining Endlers exhibited white spots. My stardust plecos and a glass cat have also snuffed it. 🤦‍♂️ All Endlers have been isolated, since I throughly scrutinized all other fish (can ADFs get ich?) and they were fine. Currently undergoing 1tbsp/gal salt treatment…it’s so annoying! Plus my favorite has snuffed it…😡 I hope they survive the night 🤞🤞🤞🤞. Its not the good “ Aundler “ colony thank goodness, who seem to be doing pretty well.
  4. Welcome to the forum! I think those are the first bala sharks I've seen on here! Are they as big a nightmare as people say they are?
  5. Je dois avoir un point de vue indifférent, sinon mon professeur d'histoire m'attaque avec son logorrhée. 😂 In English - I have to have an indifferent point of view on the subject, and my project would be endless if I wrote about all the 'what if' s. On another note: the underwater footage in this vid is great! (Just fast forward to 6:00)
  6. Probably a good thing - out with the old, in with the new!
  7. I've had some normal Endlers pop out abnormal amounts of golden fry, but i think the term for a very black individual is Leucistic?? Correct me if I'm wrong @Fish Folk
  8. Lilaeopsis sp. , or micro chain sword is supposed to work well.
  9. Long time no see! That angelfish tank is looking great!
  10. I’m doing it indoors. 😂 It’s in French; but my thesis is that France failed to take the reins of colonisation the same way they did before WW2, and therefore left the door open to opposition through a communist movement. The demoralized post-WW2 French army was highly dependent on American equipment, but could not fight a guérilla war. The ‘Domino’ theory proposed by the Eisenhower administration grossly inflated the perceived threats of a communist Vietnam, causing the US to precipitate its military might into a war that they could not commit to fully; on pain of international condemnation. Do you think that would be OK?
  11. My new garden project: an avocado tree: My new school project: the Vietnam war: And my new picture project : Gretel! 😂 Have a nice day! I’ll try and post something interesting over the weekend, but I’ve been up to my ears in schoolwork.
  12. That sounds about right, I do the same with or without natural agents (IALs or crushed coral) if there’s a pH spike.
  13. They’re supposed to spawn almost daily if harmonious, can’t wait to see any pealets 😁
  14. Yup. I think I might isolate the adult gold ones and try and get a half-decent strain going.
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