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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. He must have been super aggressive because he was in full breeding mode.
  2. I love the wild types. You know; B. Mahachiaensis and B. Smaragdina. They’re both on my ‘someday’ list (it’s a long list!). I think @Fish Folk has some Mahachaiensis?
  3. Welcome to the forum! Ever thought of a Star Wars themed tank? 😜
  4. Those do fine even with a long-fin betta and they tend to be in the “Top 5” or “Top 10” vids on YouTube. Plakats are some of my favorite bettas! I used to have a black orchid crown tail who I loved…
  5. That’s what my old guppies got before they passed - if I had the ressources I would have attempted salt.
  6. Have you read Albert von Hallers poem ‘Die Alpen’ ? If you like this I expect you’d like it. 🙂
  7. Got hit by another French analysis. 🧐 😑 Went down the mountain today to a ✨new✨ LFS (aka my version of Home Depot has opened a fish section) 😂. I got 10 tiny neons and 5 zebra Danios. Their prices are rock-bottom, which kind of scares me because people kinda undervalue the fish, and don’t put much effort into keeping it alive …anyway. I’m so proud of my pink Ludwigia 💕 😍 Have any of you got some fun looking plants? Apart from that, my stick insects have arrived! I picked them up from a guy who had 100s in a 12” (30cm) cube terrarium (correct me if I’m wrong with conversions! ). He now has 2998 left. 😜 These ones get around that 17 cm mark, so they make for a great show. New party trick? 😂 Added moss to terrarium- is it safe to collect moss in the woods if you give it the Reverse Respiration treatment @Guppysnail? Did you test the method on non-aquarium pathogens? Reverse Respiration has probably helped me so much over the previous months, so thanks!😁 On another note, I’ve become an Uncle.🥳
  8. No worries. Just keep on doing the great job you've always done. 🙂
  9. The mystery of the golden Endler deepens! One of the gold Endlers (normally Xanthic) is a couple of shades whiter than his/her siblings. I’ve established a color grade system: Low Grade : Exhibiting small patches of gold, nothing special. Medium grade: Uniform gold all over the body, Xanthism, and the color become more intense while they develop. High Grade: A couple of shades whiter than the Gold ones, bordering on leucism. Retain a small patch of gold around the head. I might eventually put some up on Aquabid if I get a good strain going .
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