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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. I have a cheap net per tank, and attack the nets with disinfectant and hot water it I need one for another tank.
  2. My dilemma: Being tired of my tight-wad sisters nagging at me for spending too much cash on fish, I’m implementing a save half/spend half strategy on my monthly allowance. I’m well stocked on fish food etc and still have enough for one of the following: 2 ADFs 2 Stick insects. Help! 😂
  3. Try using Indian almond leaves to bring it down. Do you have buffers at all? Can’t wait to see the haul from that!
  4. Ambitious project! Can’t wait to see it come to life! @Cory has done some big setups, maybe he’s seen something like this?
  5. Sorry you’ve been having a bad time . 😞 Get well soon!
  6. I can see water lettuce and red root floaters selling quite well, it you can keep them going and maintain a no-duckweed policy.
  7. It keeps the humidity levels high and I’ll do a sort of weekly water change with aged tank water. I got the idea when I read that you have to put marbles in a water dish to stop stick insects from drowning. Marbles=>Marimo moss balls.
  8. Sometimes people can really appreciate suggestions, but you just need to judge your audience. Don’t tell a tattooed leather-clad biker to go vegan!
  9. I love to look at landscapes. There’s always something new!
  10. Long time no post! I got some half decent plants which I think are Ludwigia and Linbergia (I’m rubbish with plant names) and some Dwarf hair grass. The aim is to get a mixed jungle going at the back, with a lawn up front. Hopefully it’ll work!
  11. He should get the World record for most fish caught at once 😂
  12. Probably surface-wise Biggest fish I’ve ever seen has gotta be arapaima at Dempsey Hill in Singapore:
  13. Working on the terrarium…I’m thinking of a Marimo Moat around it? I would also just like to say a really big THANK YOU to @Chick-In-Of-TheSea for helping me deal with my Ich-epidemic. Garlic cloves may make me dream of French escargots , but torn in half they are the best think ever against Ich! I’ll find some material way to thank you @Chick-In-Of-TheSea… Before:
  14. Maybe just get 4 for 44 and list the other one for 15 bucks to anyone who wants it. Undercut the store and make a profit! 🙃 Or just put the remaining one in a different tank…
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