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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. Covid seems to be doing the rounds here…😬 my parents are plainly refusing to go to the LFS for neon and glowlight tetras for the 15 gal…understandable. What’s the coronavirus situation like where you are?
  2. The plot thickens! I have discovered new Endler fry in both the 8 gal and the 20 gal I moved most of the colony to. This leaves one possible outcome: 2 or more Endlers are producing these fry. I could isolate them 1 by 1 and try and get to the bottom of this, but why??
  3. My science teacher is retiring soon… want to work in Switzerland? 🤣🤣
  4. I was allowed it on the grounds it stayed in its terrarium…😏
  5. You could educate them on what revolves around aquarium stuff @Moss. Photosynthesis, fish reproduction, bacteria. There are probably some fun games out there you can tweak.
  6. I had one a while back, and in retrospect he had a miserable life 😕. I came across his old terrarium in my attic, and thought that it might be worth a try to get it up and running again… ”Caine” (😂) was a Sungaya Inexpectata . Any tips are welcome!
  7. An essay of an Einstein quote has been torturing me for the past day : Imagination is more important than knowledge. 😑 Spoiler Alert 🚨! I came across my old stick insect terrarium in my attic…made me realize that I don’t have any pics of my old pet anymore… Sungaya Inexpectata, also known as “Caine” (get it?😜).
  8. Talking about where to get the cheapest fish or plant, exchanging plants & fish and there’s talk of an auction in my attic in the summer. 🤣 We’re all on a WhatsApp group, and some of us have had to prove to teachers that what they have in their bag is an aquarium plant and not anything else. 🤦‍♂️
  9. Sorry I’ve been so behind on the forum lately - I’ve had to write an essay on a quote from Einstein (Imagination is more important than knowledge). All my BBS have died at the age of 5 days!
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