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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. Decent find. 🙂 My first fish were guppies (if you don’t count some which died after a couple of days)
  2. My granddad used to have some in a pond behind his house. It was his pride hatching out little sliders, which were the cutest things ever! 🥲 When he passed my uncle got them and still has some. I understand that they may become a nuisance, but it’s great that they’re so adaptable!
  3. That cats looking like it’s about to bounce on the camera and eat it like a mouse! 😂
  4. Unfair advantage! (no just kidding) 😂 I’ve had a brine shrimp setup which I’ve raised to adults before, though I have no idea how! That can be my advantage😜.
  5. @Theplatymaster and I are trying to do it on my journal @Sonder
  6. How about we just take a picture of our set ups at the end and the forum members can decide. Winner gets to put “Brine Shrimp King” in their signature bar. 🤣🤣
  7. They’re going to go into a Fluval breeder box afterwards, which is a tad bigger. If you have a look at the “Sea monkey” kid science sets (got one a couple of years back) the BBS are in really tiny containers. Maybe 1/3 of a gallon tops.
  8. The last thing I got when I went to a mom an pop store: Frogbit and Java moss. But their display tanks are really cool! And little Gretel also got something out of it:
  9. I’ve noticed lately that a lot of people have been asking on how to raise BBS to adulthood. I’ve had a look at the composition of the average “Sea Monkey” science set, and established that room temperature is fine and that they eat Spirulina. I’ve got some algae tabs on hand: Which I can probably ground up. I also put some BBS on the go in anticipation.
  10. They haven’t had the easiest start in life - might be down to that.
  11. I’m going to try a half-hearted version of that, sticking a tomato plant (roots rinsed) into an aquarium. We’ll see what happens!
  12. A lot of people recommend asking a building engineer. Maybe try asking the landlord? They might have some info on what has been put there before.
  13. How long did you spend typing that? 😂 Nice topic idea @nabokovfan87!
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