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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. @Colu What are your water parameters?
  2. Didn’t see that! 😁Are you a police detective or something? 😂
  3. I think @Dean’s Fishroom has his with some red-eyed monk tetras. Wouldn’t a geophagus and a lungfish live in the same tank zone?
  4. Water change system powered by a Juwel aquarium pump out of a watering can for my 8 gal cube. Failed miserably because the pump had an unremovable nozzle which had a little pressure-checking hole. Couldn’t pump anything vertically, but horizontally was ok. Back to the drawing board! The culprit:
  5. Rubber bands also work well, easier to handle than glue and thread. Excuse the dirty sponge filter😂
  6. Any thoughts about breeding them? They look seriously fun! Maybe in a black water themed tank or something.
  7. I expect you’ve given them a lot of business… *cough* Killifish Apistos Discus NANFs *cough cough *!
  8. Has @JJennaseen this thread?
  9. The planting has started! Going to order some plants today or tomorrow from garnelenmarkt.ch since they’ve got cheapish shipping. Any ideas? I’m quite tempted by some Lilaeopsis and some pearlweed.
  10. Shame that it failed, but remember that Einstein once said that Imagination was more important than knowledge. 🙂
  11. Ever thought about breeding it separately? You could get a whole colony going!
  12. I once saw a 125 gal aquarium filled just with Snowball shrimp (Neocaridina Palamata) and it was mind blowing how many there were. They harvest 100 shrimp a month to sell and that keeps the population on a very slight increase, in case they need more or less.
  13. Polos guilty look after being caught sifting through a bin: With his faithful padawan:
  14. Nice! What kind of cherry shrimp are they? (Colour)
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