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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. Might actually be interesting to look at filter bacteria or infusoria under a microscope. Sorry you had a scare with that discus!
  2. Welcome to the forum! Maybe try EBay, Aquabid; the usual second-hand websites. Usually there’s a good deal to be had.
  3. It’s Hair Algae and green diatoms. Try adding Amano shrimp and Hillstream Loaches if you can. Alternatively toothbrushes work well.
  4. What tank setup am I daydreaming about? Planted mini paludarium, with Anubias Nana and a dwarf baby tear carpet grown from seed. Zero fish; but it would be very pleasant to look at. Maybe with a cool-looking rock in the middle?
  5. Best to delete them. I never worked them out! 😂
  6. Interesting cross-breed - can't wait to see the juveniles!
  7. Rubber bands also help...if you want it weighed down by a rock.
  8. I see what you mean, but it’s looking a bit barb-like in my opinion, and last time I checked it is impossible to keep tetra and Goldifsh in the same tank.
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