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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. Completely unrelated: nice typewriter! The experiment looks cool too😜
  2. Welcome to the forum! Please post some picture of the fish you’ve collected. I’ve always wanted to go out and catch something cool to put in a tank. 😁
  3. Sorry for your loss😞. I’ve heard that MTS is contagious. Maybe your son has also become contaminated? 😂
  4. Really appreciate your help, 😁 but I’ve already checked and one of the wires has sort of “fused” itself with the glue holding it in place. I tried to separate it, but could see the copper in the wire. I thought it was a lost cause.
  5. Imagine swimming through it! It’s probably a good idea in winter…the water acts as a heat sink for the house and the koi can warm up.
  6. Adding old man’s beard to the terrarium, as the upper half is devoid of plants. Happy April fools dad! (He was sleeping, dog biscuit circled in blue)
  7. Water with high CO2 concentration. Correct me if I’m wrong @Guppysnail @dasaltemelosguy
  8. Wow!! I’ve always wanted a corn snake, but it was a big no-no with my parents. Two questions: 1. What do you feed it? 2. Any name ideas??
  9. Nice one! We did a lot of daft fake blood stuff at school which fooled a substitute teacher (he saw two bleeding teens with ‘cuts’ on their faces). Completely wrong reaction: stammer and ask if they were OK. 🤣🤣 Sadly the experienced teachers have seen it all and weren’t impressed. 😁Still worth a try
  10. I didn’t realize that green jade shrimp are darn hard to find if your tank is an algae farm. A shrimp: A picture of a shrimp:
  11. Nice journal! That betta is incredibly flamboyant and Izzy looks cool too! 🙂 A picture of mine (Polo the Dalmatian and Gretel the tiny terror who makes up for her size with her attitude)
  12. Sunday Fish time! No April fools: I’ve started my fifth (or sixth?) attempt at breeding Salt’n’Pepper corydoras. Persistence will hopefully reward me with fry. Norhing fancy, just some Limnophilia strands, a cave, rocks, and a spawning mop. I’ll only leave them in 2 days, or until I find eggs, and then try the same method on the first attempt. Breeder box + air. Fingers crossed that it works! 🤞 Apart from that I have taken @Chick-In-Of-TheSeas advice and trimmed my Aponongeton (I though it was a lotus! 🤯) flower. It was 58 centimeters long! Although my efforts maybe futile… The duckweed war has started again…I won’t win, but I like to think I can .🤓 Ghiaccio (ice in Italian) the white Endler says hi! Have a nice day and don’t forget to pet your snails 🐌🤣!
  13. Gepettos hunting reminds he so much of my old betta…as soon as he saw one of his kids which I failed to take out.😅 Good Times! Thats a seriously good BBS hatching setup you’ve got there! I’ve never thought about using a glass jar with an airline close to the surface…
  14. It does look suspiciously like that…I have been told that large plecos (Liposarcus) can go for the slime coating on flat fish such as angels and discus.
  15. Huge congrats to you @mountaintoppufferkeeper!!!!!!!!!!! I see another breeder of the year award coming your way. 🥳🥳🥳
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