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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. Your stingrays @Chick-In-Of-TheSea. Food poisoning made me as sick as a dog for all of last night. Can’t wait to be back home and be able to talk to you guys as usual!
  2. Hello from Singapore - so sorry for your loss. 😢
  3. My best photographic talents:
  4. Spot the difference. 😂
  5. There’s still a post available at my school if you feel like it…the music teacher has just retired, and anyone is an improvement. 🙏
  6. Sorry for the late reply - I’m in Singapore for the holidays. 😂 I have a local guy who breeds these snakes, and he says (quoting as best as I can) that it’s OK if the temperature dips down to about 78 at night; but a basking spot made up of a heat stone which is on 24/7 is essential for keeping the temperature OK. Good Luck and please post some pics!
  7. I live at 4900 feet and second that opinion. My angels and stuff tend to get frisky around when decent storms hit, both lighting and rain storms. I’m wondering if it’s just simply another mechanism which makes fish spawn during the rainy season in the wild?
  8. Hi all, I’m going to be absent for 2 weeks - I’m going to Malaysia for the holidays! I’ll try and snap some pics of anything fishy 🐠… Happy Easter! 🐣 🥚
  9. Maybe you could try making your own out of shotcrete?
  10. Can you think of a better one for ‘Planaria’?
  11. I vote for option 1, as both are good but it means less work and an easier feeding routine. Your betta will probably eat anything, unless he’s one of those 1% who only go for BBS.
  12. Maybe try going into your attic (if you have one) and catching all the spiders 🕷️ you can find. Predatory instincts and an interesting show! 🙂
  13. I probably spend 1 hour studying in my bedroom with my aquariums. More watching than studying 😜!
  14. Sorry about your losses. Those sound like fun breeding projects!
  15. Adam, Amelia, and Pinchme went down to the river to bathe. Amelia and Adam drowned, who do you think was saved? Pinchme. 🤏 🤕
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