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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. How?!? Do you keep any? I can see why...😁
  2. Could be eggs if you're lucky... something to go with that gorgeous betta! Nice Journal btw 😁
  3. If you go back to page 3 or 4 of this journal, and about every fifth page since, you'll see that I've been trying to get a supposedly _easy_ fish to breed for quite some time. 😅 Do you breed any fish?
  4. Cory mentioned in a livestream or a vid that the method has worked with aquariums up to 75 gallons. @Cory @brandonnaturally Can't wait to see them!
  5. Glad to see I’m not the only one who’s neons and Cory’s are getting frisky!
  6. One condition: plz post some of your own!
  7. Repeat when you see that it’s just a reaction! 😂
  8. Thanks! Im just looking for something to go with my new betta…something which can’t be found in the “Top 10” vids on YouTube.
  9. What would you guys say that the minimum tank size is for them?
  10. Either way it’s algae 😂. Those Chili rasboras are looking great!
  11. Nice! Any other inhabitants?
  12. Maybe try overfeeding for a while or adding some plastic plants to camouflage the real ones. I remember that worked for someone with herbivorous piranhas…
  13. This thread is getting seriously interesting…
  14. Thanks! Those vids are really useful…just need to find space for another tank. 🤓
  15. Too busy with the rummy-nose rasboras 😂!
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