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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. My Salt’n’Pepper Corydora fry from my millionth attempt at breeding them: 😁
  2. Bird family has moved in next to my bedroom window. All the chicks are like: Chirp, chirp, CHIIIIRP! Moms home! Wake up Joe! MOMS HOME and she’s got A WORM!!!
  3. I might be taking my mouth a bit full on this one, but there’s no harm in trying! I’ve replaced the marbled Corydora setup in the breeding tote with an Apisto set up, seeing as my pair have reached sexual maturity. I did a 30%ish water change on their tank today, (after removing their favorite cave) to emulate the rainy season……hopefully tomorrow they’ll be triggered and I can add them to the tote. I may have also cheated a bit on the natural front, because the Apisto cave I’m using has two entrances, one of which is facing out of the tank. Armed with a flashlight I might be able to get a sneak peak! While the Apisto pair is absent on their baby-making excursion a spawning mop has been added to their tank on the off chance that why WCMM want to breed. Happy Pentecôte!
  4. You know how Kuhli loaches are so hard to find?
  5. You can buy some chemical pH buffers at pet stores…maybe just add some more crushed coral/aragonite?
  6. @TheSwissAquarist meme studios makes a comeback:
  7. I think I may have cracked the code of Salt’n’Pepper Cory breeding : frequent checks. When I check the plastic tote once a day, I’m lucky to find 3-5 eggs, if that. Today I’ve checked 3 times, and have managed to collect 6-8 eggs every go! Now I just need to raise the fry…😄
  8. These things are always interesting…everyone has their different hypothesis of what kind of rare or fun fish it could be, and then it turns out to be a guppy 😂
  9. How’s the renovation coming along? I’m going to be in Seattle sometime in August and I would love to visit the store!
  10. How’s the snake doing @The endler guy?
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