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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. You know how people tend to paint 3 sides of their aquariums black with spray paint? I took it a step further my using a paint which is also a “blackboard” spray paint! Now I have something fun to write my to do lists on. 😅
  2. That last GIF is a bit like me chasing duckweed. 😂 Congrats on getting them this far!
  3. Or rage, if you’ve got a little handbag-sized pup who tries to kill everything and then wets herself when everything defends itself. 🤣
  4. Glad to see I’m not the only guy with a population problem. 😜
  5. Maybe replace the honey gouramis with Leopoldi angels or Festivums? A female betta? @Schuyler do your Nothos killis eat shrimp?
  6. These days I can’t walk past a cool betta without thinking about squeezing it in one of my tanks.
  7. Aren’t you tempted to turn the tap on? 😜 I’ll spoil the cat vibe with a cute dog pic. Or three. 😂
  8. You could try putting the Pygmy Cory eggs in the green water tank to feed them?
  9. @Colu If I remember correctly, betta colors do change as they mature, and looking at his head it seems that the colors between these ‘dark spots’ and the head scales are matching. Just to demonstrate the possibility: The darkness also seems confined to where the scales are, however he may also be losing scales.
  10. Huh. That’s actually weirdly kinda interesting! Maybe my gold Endlers have some hidden secret….opening portals to the amazon to let their wild buds come and help overstock the tank?? 😂
  11. I like the idea of lots of nano fish in a large tank, @Beardedbillygoat1975 is doing something similar. Maybe a better male/female ratio on the honey gouramis? Gouramis might go for shrimp.
  12. Just got back from the holiday hiatus to dogs and fish. Duckweed scooping and plant trimming. Not exactly glamorous, but I think (and just think, since experience tells me not to get my hopes up) that Gretel is expecting a top of mini-Gretels!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳 The pet sitter we use says that his Jack Russel named Marc has become ‘acquainted ‘ with Gretel… My parents are petrified but I’m loving it! My zebra danios have also had a couple of spawning mops added to their tank in the vague hope that a topping-up may have made them frisky. Have a nice day and guess what Gretels pups might look like !
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