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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. Do you guys ever go to check out the places where you buy fish from to make sure it’s clean and sickness-free etc?
  2. After Torro passed I’ve been feeling a bit guilty and sad about not being able to breed him…. Hey presto! Name suggestions needed along with treatment recommendation for this ⬇️ @Colu
  3. Ricefish and Zebra danios are a popular “feeder” choice, along with WCMM. What species of fish would it be for?
  4. I seem to lack that instinct. 100 odd Endlers in a 8 gallon. Water changes galore!
  5. Looking great!! It’s about time that an aquarist of your caliber got a (2nd?) fish room! 😜
  6. Hygrophilia Serphllum? I’m trying to find some Anubias Horizontifolia to make some sort of ‘fish hammock’ which I can take pictures of them on. 😅 I doubt that it’ll work. Baby Corys are 1.5 weeks old!!! Do you guys think I should start introducing them to flake food?
  7. My grandmother puts out bird seed regularly to try and take pretty pictures of robins, kingfishers, etc. These days she only seems to be getting squirrels. 😂
  8. I think you may have mixed up White cloud minnows with Zebra Danios. 😅
  9. I’d try some slow-growing plants like Amazon swords and Anubias, along with some really nice floaters. Maybe also try a carpeting plant? Shrimp might be a fun addition. @ARMYVET @lefty o do you have any experience?
  10. This is my 63 gal when it was looking great: I can’t wait to see yours! Trying to decide from all the suggestions it tough. 😅
  11. All three 😂 Fine thanks! Just waiting for the 3 females to drop their first fry, and we’ll see what the gold/not gold ratio is. Congrats to @Guppysnail for her baby anchor cats btw!
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