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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. Got home after a two week Sicilian holiday and I scooped duckweed and trimmed plants. At least the fish and dogs were pleased that I was back. 😂
  2. I Ahhh! The portal is opening to another dimension !
  3. Have you been co-authoring stuff again @mountaintoppufferkeeper??😅 Nice Job! https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/top-10-pufferfish
  4. You’re so lucky to have seen them live! They’re definitely one of my faves. Those Green Neons are gonna look AMAZING!
  5. I’ve read that they don’t like filtration and the water flow that is caused by it. Maybe a very weak mattenfilter?
  6. You forgot that it’s only 3 gallons. 🤣
  7. Do it!!! The hobby has become used to keeping shrimps in small containers, so it would be interesting to see if they modify their behavior in a larger tank. Would you have to put some filtration in?
  8. I’ve bought some trilineatus corydoras to help with the mulm, but they’re only arriving after I get home from Sicily.
  9. Letting my tubs cycle while I’m on holiday in Sicily. The worst bit about learning Italian at school is that you only understand the toddler having a temper tantrum. 😂 But I did rescapé the 63 gal before leaving:
  10. @TheSwissAquarist meme studios has struck!
  11. It actually works! Bad news is that I’ve only got 1 spare heater…maybe the other day ne should be unheated? I’m thinking : Unheated: Zebra Danios/WCMM/Corydoras/ RHL/Ricefish Heated: Shrimp/Tetras/A cool livebearer. Any other ideas? Funky slug
  12. I’m all for leaving the Anubias like that: it takes time for that to happen and you should be proud of it!!
  13. Because the summer hols have started? 😂
  14. He’s back to normal, even though I can still see a small welt…salt works wonders. My « pond « project: I checked Wikipedia for the average annual temperatures for each month in my town, and realistically I would only be able to do a patio pond from early July to mid September before I’d have to take it down again. 2 and a half months isn’t ideal, as is my 4500 foot altitude! So I’ve got two 23 liter buckets ( 6 gallons ) I’ve also designed a sort of filtration system for it…or at least a way to keep the water from going stagnant. It works a bit like a a sponge filter, with the air pulling the water up the tube (so long as the tube is facing upwards). Add an old filter sponge with a piece of fishing wire to hold it on… and hey presto! Ideally the tube (cut to size) would be attached to a bamboo cane poking vertically out of the bucket by the means of those plastic binders thingys. A spray bar will also be added. I’m still quite pleased that the exams are over. 😅 Bring it on summer!
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