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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. Exam results are in! I passed everything apart from my French text analysis oral exam… a subject which has great relevance in the modern world 😂! Split up an Anubias today, and bought 2 buckets for breeding purposes. Either shrimp or corydoras…ideas?
  2. I keep wondering where you get all the ultra special plant varieties 😊
  3. Yes! Sorry, it’s the exam fortnight. My tanks are getting a bit neglected, Vals going wild, etc… New fish are all doing fine thanks! My glowlight tetras are a tad skittish, but dazzling. I think that I’m even beginning to see some flaring between males. I also gave my overcrowded Endler tank a deep clean (by deep I mean I spent too much time admiring and not enough time cleaning). Definitely needs thinning out. Who wants gold Endlers? My dad has also built a water-catchment system in the garden, which provides 1000 liters of water in case of drought (264 gallons). it’s basically a section of roof with some roof tiles on a slope which leads down to some guttering, which in turn leads down to 2 (leaky!) water butts. Seeing as it weighs 1.7 metric tons, the roof tiles we balanced on cracked during a rain storm this morning. 😂 My dad and I were just waiting for the entire thing to come down! I need to do a longer update on my latest projects (danios and tubs), but it’s 2100 here and I have an Italian oral exam in the morning. Have a nice day/morning/good night! Bonus Gretel pic:
  4. They’re my favorite nano Corys by far! Knowing you, they’ll be breeding next week. 😆
  5. I’m smitten with my neons. My first fish ever and I still love ‘em
  6. It’s still really impressive tho! All it’s missing is a school of tetras and it could be the Amazon!
  7. Me + Visit to LFS = Bag in every tank. 3 new Endlers males to boost the gene pool, 10 glowlight tetras (new species for me!!) as betta tank mates and a nerite snail to help with algae. Party all round! I originally went in just to get some Sera micron…and saw some tetras…and their colors…and fell in love! There sadly weren’t any albino Corydoras for my next project…. Black rams have made it to Switzerland! I think fate is trying to tell me something: pond time! What would your suggestions be? Have a nice day!
  8. Take it from a guy who’s struggling to raise Cory fry : do it!!!! Nice neons! I can’t wait to see them in all their splendor in the black water tank. Are there any live plants in there?
  9. Thanks! I was just checking since I’m starting to sell fish (Endlers) to my LFS and was wondering if I should expect a visit. 😏
  10. My gazillion Endlers. There’s bound to be some pipsqueaks in there !
  11. Schooling fish are supposed to get more vibrant colors in black water…might be because they need to see each other more to stay together?
  12. Hasn’t quite decided if it’s going to rain yet. Bonus bird in pic:
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