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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. Tbh, why don’t you just leave it like that? 😂 Looks great anyway!
  2. It’s been a pleasure following this journey…though you might want to play safe and sell them to an LFS or at a fish club auction, seeing how bad supply chains are these days.
  3. I vote option 1 as it means that you won’t be pressed for stock that you don’t have…but then again: if you want to really start cranking them out, option 2. Argh, I get your dilemma!🥵
  4. Tell me about it 😑. I get an earful about it from my parents…I quite like the idea of Anubias, especially a nice big one. Maybe I might need to call in some emergency Val?
  5. Thanks for reminding me 😂🤦‍♂️. They seem to have fared well in my absence, and have added another third to their size. 😁 And my gold Endlers have started showing the occasional orange or green spot. I’m starting to wonder wether I should start culling… Plus my main display tank looks as if it’s been swamped by boogers. Farewell to my Limnophilia…does anyone have any other plant recommendations ?
  6. My tomatoes and raspberries love the water coming from my overstocked Endler Emporium!
  7. Sometimes those auctions just draaaag. I usually pack up and leave after half an hour. *If there’s nothing interesting 😈
  8. Those Auction bucks 😂😂!!! How did the Killifish starter kits sell??
  9. I feel for you - my mum constantly sees cute little Ukrainian pups up for rescue and signs up without giving a thought to who will be cleaning up the 💩. After the third you just block bedroom doors. 😂
  10. Ask for permission or beg for forgiveness?
  11. Have you tried adding aquarium salt? I would also recommend Ich-X as it looks like a superficial problem. Correct me if I’m wrong @Colu
  12. Before @Fish Folk nuclear bombs this with his: I’ll put forward my Glass Cats and Wild Apistos😂😂
  13. Tell me about it. Ironically it was either from an undercooked sausage at a European restaurant or Singapores national dish : chicken rice. 🤦‍♂️ Am at the airport waiting for the midnight flight… A singaporean LFS! Some of the things were really weird (2 gallon acrylic boxes being sold as ‘betta tanks’), but I saw some really cool things like albino bichirs and a flower horn. What also intrigued me is their main tank display rack, though tbh I should call it a pyramid 4 tanks high. The tanks are stacked up in the form of HH, and a HOB straddles where the tanks meet. It was a bit of a small shop, but I would have really loved to see a farm like those fishtubers endlessly showcase on their channels…one for next time.
  14. Is feeding live animals legal in the US? *Although just waiting until he shows signs of starvation might be a good idea🤦‍♂️
  15. I’m 15, maybe they should join this hobby! 😜 Get well soon @Miska
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