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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. Has @Cory seen this? 🤣🤣🤣
  2. He’s started getting leg trouble - not uncommon in pedigree breeds supposedly. In the morning it’s hardly noticeable, but after a big walk his back left leg gets the jitters. It’s weird, he’s only 5! Spring has sprung:
  3. That’s some interesting stuff…though I’d rather not try it out on the grounds of not wanting to rehome half a ton of bettas if it doesn’t work out! The colors are cool tho…
  4. It’s also been a long time since I’ve done an update…this is going to take some time 😂. As you may know, when I got back from Singapore I found my tanks algified. They’ve since been cleaned up and I’ve rescaped my 63 gal. Starting to wonder if it isn’t time for a change… Maybe discus? My bedroom tanks have been blooming in both algae and baby Endlers. @Guppysnail may be breeding everything she keeps, but my Endlers are popping them out as if they’re not living in a tiny 8gal cube…😂. It might be time for me to build a rack. Or a pond. Then I can use their tank for shrimp. Or killis. Or Aquaponics. Speaking of those…… Thirdly, I have made a small venture into Aquaponics by attaching some Tomato seedlings to some old plant pots and placing them in aquarium water.The goal is for them to grow decently so that they can move into my main tanks. My sisters have already pronounced their verdict : they shan’t eat anything grown from “yucky fish poo”🤦‍♂️. Ah well, such a shame. That nice bowl of carbonara will be just for me… 😝. Finally, Mopani says hi and thanks for enduring my ranting. Have a nice day!
  5. I’m eyeing up some Fundulopanchax as a first venture…I’m just waiting for the weather to get better up here - freezing! Your wish is my command 😜
  6. I can hear the sigh 😂👍
  7. To be fair, my friend and I (this happened on his farm) were pushing and prodding it to get into a position to take a picture, which we would then use for a comedy dialogue in English class. Little Manon the goat 🐐 was having none of it!
  8. Yikes! Not fun…I remember being charged by a little goat once, but it isn’t quite the same thing.😂 Are you going to change your username to @Rooster_Target?
  9. I like to think that I shave more often. Goatees are a bit passé. 😂
  10. Why not? My lemon trees could do with a boost... You can always just use WC water, I sometimes use it to water the raspberry plant which feeds my stick insect Mopani.
  11. Packaging looks decent though...does egg appearance change between genus?
  12. Congrats! Maybe you could put some spawning mops in the main tank just in case....😄
  13. @TeeJay have you checked out @jwcarlsons Apistopolooza thread? It would be the funniest thing ever if you bred yours by accident while he's been eagerly waiting for his to get all lovey-dovey. Mine likes to boss the female around a bit; but gets payback when the kids arrive 😂
  14. Those colours are epic! What kind of botanicals are you using?
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