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  1. Thank you. Now i need to decide what to do with it 🙂
  2. Someone was getting rid of their fish and said they have a sterbai corydoras, and I said great, will include it in my shoal of 13 in my 360 liters What they gave me is no sterbai, and I doubt it is even a corydoras. Not great pictures, taken in a temp ikea box that is a quarantine. Will try to take more It has easily 8 cm too Please help me identify the fish Thank you
  3. I dont do much water tests. I know I should, and I have some tests and would once a six month do one, so I will do a test before next water change to check. I do a weekly 25%, as that is the norm I know I "should" do with every other week substrate vacuum. In the beginning like two years ago, I had issues with muck and corydoras infections. Also the wood is natural and ofcourse, is decomposing, so occasionally, though not so much lately since i replaced the wood, there would be particles in the water/plants/substrate. I think the biggest problem will be feeding, I have to "overfeed" some fish, as they dont let anything fall down to the corydoras/kuhli loaches. If I remove those and leave just the good eaters, b-rams, pearl gouramis, rummynose tetras, maybe add the pseudomugil from the other tank, those will be ok with an automatic feeder and dry food. I now feed mostly frozen/live and some dry, but I could always feed frozen/live when I come back, I can do a deeper cleaning, and in the meantime have a dry feeding regime
  4. Hi guys in the upcoming few month/half a year/a year, there will come a situation, where I will move, and I will also travel more, leaving my place for weeks/months at a time. I obviously realize this will not be doable with six fish tanks, especially not with the nano fish I keep or the live only food fish I have. However, in CZ especially, it is super popular to have a no water change tanks, walstad method tanks, father fish tank methods, super jungle only put water in tanks that are running for 15 years with populations of wild live bearers,.... I know it should be possible, but I understand research and prep are needed. I have to make a choice - either start converting the largest tank I have - a 360liters one, into something that could work with no water changes for a longer periods of time or at some point, get rid of all of my tanks and my fish, which is like a last resort option. I understand the way my tank is set up now - only sand substrate and a small layer at that, not a great light, not that many plants,... will not work like that. I know it needs to be set up in a different way, and it needs time to mature before it can reach the no water change stage. That is why I need to do some serious reading, prep and a battle plan. Therefore, any articles/help/directions are appreciated Tank pic now of the largest tank
  5. Zucchini party. Not the intended audience though 🙂
  6. Actually I do not, I have dario hysginon which is a red melon, not tiger I have nicely colored ones as I have multiple in each tank, I MAY have one female, but I highly doubt it. They are not aggressive at all towards other fish, not even during feeding, they do chase each other upon sight though, but even if they catch each other, they flare their fins and one of them leaves. - here is a feeding video I just made, you can see no aggression toward clown killifish, even when feeding. Same with pygmy corydoras and least rasboras in the other tank. To be fully honest, I was so hyped about them, but if you watch the video, I have three fish in the tank, you can barely see one, maybe two, they are almost always static or hidden and even when feeding they are slow moving and start stopping. They so far display zero interesting behavior towards each other or other fish. They look lovely and are shrimp/other fish safe, for now.
  7. I made a quick feeding video, darios in the clown killifish tank. Slow eaters. Looking at them now, I think my largest ember tetras are about as large as the darios. Strange
  8. I think the ammonia is coming from elsewhere, like leaching from the rock decorations or substrate and is not related to the cycle perhaps. I have heard about wood leaching it or silicone from old tanks. Couldnt this be the case?
  9. While the ammonia issue you reported having will be helped by adding floating plants ( salvinia or frogbit would be my best guess), you also have mild algae issues and overall not too many plants that they are not doing well. You should be prepared while the floaters will leach out the excess, they will also take whatever your other plants could have used, and they will thus continue to decline I know you are excited about new fish, I personally do not agree with your choice of the fish you want to add and would also overall wait before adding more, until you reach at least a bit of stable environment. You can always add fish later on and it will be something to look forward to, but you have not correct substrate for corydoras, wilting plants, algae and ammonia issues as is, and you will be adding possible fish illness issues, feeding issues and the inevitable plants nutrition issues, if you add floaters. But that is just my opinion and we overall learn best from our mistakes and I made the same ones as you
  10. Today was the day. After heavy feeding live bbs both the fry and the parents tank, I moved the fry to the parents tank. It is about 1/4 of the adult size, and it integrated beautifully It is now swimming alongside the others, so yay Good news, everyone survived my vacation (including me, given we managed to catch the worse possible weather which included snow, at the end of April). I am hoping the eggs I collected last week will hatch out in the bucket in the next few weeks and I will keep the cube for pseudomugil fry
  11. Hi guys. I have an ikea box, 40x30x15 cm or so. I use it to store leftover plants now, i have a sponge filter available and I was wondering: Can I put a trio of sterbai corydoras and hope for a breeding action? Other fish that I have and could try if sterbais would not work are: ember tetras, rummynose tetras, few pygmy corydoras, least rasboras. Everything else is either too big or too young or I don't want to breed that (white cloud minnows) Thanks!
  12. Some pictures of my shrimp, i bought culls and clear but the color morphs are fun
  13. Depends on for how long you want the tank to work, right? I saw a guy here with a 70 liter give or take started with a pair of neolamprologus multifasciatus, was feasible for half a year, maybe year before everyone reached adulthood. I went the opposite way, I had 12 in a 360 liters, had the colony for ten years, while the last two years I stopped adjusting the water and lost the babies and the males became overly aggressive too, an imbalance in numbers and it messed with it. I saw a group of jullies (marlieri) the other week, in a long sort of shallow tank, I would guess 150 liters maybe, just jullies, and they had a very unique behavior, fights for lead female spots, interaction in the group and even care for young. I really fell in love but they do best in larger volumes
  14. I do not have it, seems like some almost long fin, red tipped variant. It might be a pain to keep the line going, I am for example not having much luck with my golds, they seem to have a genetic weakness TBH the normal colored strain looks good enough too, no need to have something special. I know that is a blurred picture and boy are they fat, but look at the red tips n the normal ones anyway. And if you go to my journal, in a post from November last year you can see how drab they looked when I bought the normal colored ones and how vivid the colors are now (just thanks to overfeeding 😄 - nah, joking, I am leaving for a week so I fed a bit more to make sure they are good)
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